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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 6

  Hiding out in my bedroom all morning is cowardly but I didn’t want to run into Evan. Not after what happened last night, I still can’t believe I let him touch me like that. I can’t believe how much I liked him touching me. Shit, he probably thinks I'm some sex-crazed groupie after jumping him like I did.

  “Morning, Si, did you have a good night?” Vanessa asks, standing in front of a platter of fruit and Danish pastries.

  “You just missed the boys,” Derrick adds. “Fuck, they are hot.” He fans himself with his hand.

  Thank goodness, I missed them. I wasn’t sure how I would react seeing Evan in the cold hard light of day. Why the hell did I let him do those things to me?

  “You okay, Si?” Vanessa asks, looking at me.

  “Yeah, just jet lag I think,” I say, hoping my lie is believable. I feel like the Scarlet woman with a big massive red E for Evan across my chest and everyone knows.

  “Well, I’ve organized a little ‘Welcome to LA’ party for you both tonight.”

  My eyes widen. Oh no, no she can’t be serious.

  Derrick is clapping his hands with excitement, of course, he would be excited.

  “Sienna, you have nothing to worry about. Just relax, have fun. Maybe flirt a little with some of the single men that will be there.” Vanessa gives me a wicked smile.

  “You need to pop that single lady cherry,” Derrick adds.

  I can feel my face burning. Little do they both know how close I was to giving up my newly acquired cherry last night. Maybe it’s a half cherry after that mind blowing orgasm.

  “Not sure if I'm ready for that,” I reply, shaking my head at Derrick.

  He just laughs. “Babe, yes you are. You need a quick root with some hot young thing. Just ask Ness, she knows what I mean.”

  Derrick high fives Vanessa.

  “Fuck Beau. You are a sexy lady, and you deserve to feel that way again and the best way to do that is by feeling someone new,” Vanessa adds.

  But I wasn’t interested in some twenty-year-old, my body is craving a thirty-year-old rock star with a piercing.

  “Morning all,” a gorgeous blonde greets us as she walks into the room.

  “Hey, guys, this is Isla, Oscar’s little sister and the band's assistant.”

  Oscar is the band's bass player, a great hauling Viking-looking man who seems to be the complete opposite of his sister. Isla is small, waifish, and has shiny blonde hair that falls halfway down her back. She gives us a warm smile as she introduces herself.

  “Yay, more girls to even out the testosterone on tour,” she says, giving us a wink. Isla’s phone lights up. “Sorry guys, got to take this, but we’ll catch up later tonight,” she says while walking away with the phone stuck to her ear.

  “I better get back to work as well, have so much to do for this tour.” Vanessa grabs her phone off the kitchen bench and rises from the chair. “Oh that reminds me, can I ask a favor?” Her green eyes flashing between Derrick and me.

  “It’s the boys’ last tour with the label, and I'm hoping they don’t go crazy. The stuff Christian told me that happened in Mexico…”

  “Like what?” Derrick’s gossipy ears prick up.

  “You know, the usual naked women, drunken behavior.”

  “Oh I like the sound of that,” Derrick smiles.

  “Christian organized for some Playboy twins to come down to Mexico and give Evan a birthday he would remember.”

  My stomach sinks hearing this about Evan, especially after last night.

  “What happened?” I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

  “Evan enjoyed the twins all weekend from what Christian tells me, but I’m sure he is leaving out heaps knowing full well I will rip their balls off if anything gets leaked to the media.”

  I nod, because I had no response to this information.

  “So you want us to watch them, make sure they don’t do anything crazy?” Derrick asks.

  “Yeah, when I'm not around, if you could be my back up.”

  “Oh, I think I'm going to like this job.” Derrick beams with a huge smile plastered across his face.

  My room overlooks the pool and through my glass patio doors, I can see people spilling out everywhere. Not sure why I am hiding out in my bedroom, it’s not like I haven’t been to hundreds of parties before. I guess this is my first one as a single lady, and for the first time in my life I feel nervous about it all. Plus, replaying what happened just next door between Evan and I, hasn’t helped my anxiety about tonight. Would he want a repeat performance? Would I want one?

  What happens if he doesn’t want me again? Oh shit, what happens if he picks up someone in front of me?

  I shake my head, a little disgusted with myself. I am not a fucking teenager. I need to stop being so fucking dramatic. I am a thirty-year-old woman, I still have great tits and my ass is high and cellulite free. The divorce diet has done the trick and made me lose some extra kilos. Taking a look in the mirror, I look good, actually, no, I looking fucking hot. My black dress hugs my curves perfectly, the sheer panels giving just enough away without being slutty. My blonde hair is out and wavy like I have been at the beach all day, and I put on my special push up bra so my ladies look impressive in my dress.

  Screw naked rock stars in my bed. I am a strong, confident, sexy, single lady, and I can enjoy any number of hot men I like tonight if I want. And with that enthusiastic pep talk, I join the party.

  “Hey, there you are,” Vanessa says, grabbing my arm as I walk out of my room.

  “You look fabulous,” she comments, twirling me around like a ballerina.

  “I just have to run over to Nick’s house and pick him up. He is useless. Luckily he looks like a Greek god otherwise I wouldn’t be putting up with this shit.”

  We both laugh, Vanessa is casually seeing, no, fucking, Nick Roberts, some hot indie actor. “You going to be okay?”

  Of course I will be; Vanessa doesn’t need to worry about me.

  “Derrick’s around somewhere,” Vanessa says, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before she flits off.

  I go looking for Derrick, taking a couple of steps into the pool area craning my head to see where he might be. He’s probably hooking up with some hot guy and already disappeared for the night, usually that’s what happens.

  “Looking for me?” That voice, that deep timbered voice, his warm breath against my ear, his presence heating up behind me.

  “,” I murmur, turning around to ocean blue eyes staring back at me.

  “You look hot.” Suddenly his hand comes out of his pocket and palms my face.

  His thumb runs across my cheek; my heart starts racing. Evan Wyld is touching me again, my body is on fire. Then as quickly as he started, he drops his hand.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” Feeling a little disappointed by his comment, I look away.

  “About this morning…” I start, but am unable to finish. I’m really not sure what to say.

  “It shouldn’t have happened,” Evan answers.

  Not going to lie, that hurt, hearing him saying it out aloud even if that was what I was about to say.

  “I agree.”

  He raises his eyebrows at me as if not believing me.

  “Look, Evan, you’re hot,” I begin, but he gives me a smirk at my compliment. I roll my eyes.

  “But we are just about to embark on a European tour together, plus I work for you.”

  Evan looks shocked. “So you don’t want to do it again?”

  I shrug at his question. It wasn't the truth, because dear Lord, I wanted to crawl up that man like a beanstalk and ride him like a cowboy. But, no. Responsible Sienna had to come out to ruin Single Sienna's fun.

  Responsible Sienna is a bitch.

  “We can’t, things could get awkward during the tour,” I finally answer.

  He nods in agreement.

  “Plus you would only fall in love with me. I don’t want to be the woman that crushes the hopes and dre
ams of all your female fans.”

  Evan lets out a loud laugh, startling a couple of people around us. “Is that so?”

  Shrugging, I give him a smile. He surprises me by pulling me into his arms, giving me a tight hug.

  “You, Sienna Hayes, are one interesting woman,” he states, landing a peck on my forehead.

  “I'm one in a million.”

  “Yeah, I think you are.”

  And, with that, Evan’s attention was taken by some guys who were pulling him away from me toward a group of girls.

  Making my way through the party, trying to find Derrick, I finally find him with his tongue already down the throat of some hot guy. I turn to find Isla hanging out by the bar on her own with a couple of shots lined up waiting for her to throw them back.

  “Hey,” I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. Isla looks amazing; her long, straight blonde hair is out cascading down her back, dressed in a white Herve Leger dress showing off her model body.

  “Men suck,” she complains, looking at me.

  “Couldn’t agree with you more,” I reply while looking to the bartender to order the same as her. “Are you okay?” I ask.

  Her eyes flash over to where Finn, the drummer, and Oscar, her brother, are sitting with blondes in tiny dresses draped all over them. Isla gives me a deep sigh as the bartender hands me my shots.

  “Let me catch up.” I throw back the three tequila shots I have lined up, feeling the burn down my throat and shaking it off. It wasn’t long before Isla and I are drunk. She complains about having to look after the boys. I tell her about what happened with Beau, and the more we chat, the more plastered we get.

  “Come on let’s do a lap of the party. We are two hot single ladies, we shouldn't be sitting at the bar drinking our sorrows away. Fuck that shit.”

  She is right, so we both stagger away from the bar into the heaving crowd.

  “Y’all, let’s do body shots!” Axel cries out from his place on the entertainment lounge with his gaggle of women. The room has a stripper pole, jukebox, DJ booth, bar, stage, dance floor, mirrored ball and is accessorized with oversized velvet sofas and day beds. It looks like a porno threw up in the room. Axel picks up one of the blondes and places her on top of the bar. He whispers into her ear; she takes off her top dropping it to the floor, before quickly disposing of her bra.

  My eyes widen at the sight of her massive fake tits right before me. I can see why they get themselves into trouble if this is what they do.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I ask Isla.

  She just shrugs. “Welcome to Dirty Texas.”

  Looking around at everyone watching them enjoying the show, I noticed some guys had their phones out. “Shit, where’s security?”

  Isla quickly picks up her phone and calls them.

  Axel has a bottle of tequila, some limes and a salt shaker and he’s wearing a devilish grin on his face.

  “Wait, Axel,” I yell, the room goes silent, all eyes on me.

  “You want to join in the fun, Sienna?” His hazel eyes are looking at me hungrily, while the blonde on the bar is sending me death stares for interrupting her show.

  “People have their phones out. I’ve asked security to come down to keep an eye on things.”

  Giving me a brilliant smile, he says, “Darlin’, you’re the best.” Addressing the room, he shouts, “No photos, y’all or I will send Sammy over here to deal with you and he isn’t as nice as me.” He points to the huge Samoan man that is looming over everyone as he crunches his knuckles for effect. I’m sure that would scare anyone.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, now we can continue,” Axel coos to the blonde, who gives him a giggle.

  Rolling my eyes, I think to myself, women seriously let men do this to them? I move back to where Isla is standing to the side of the bar. Axel sprinkles the salt on her nipple, watching it pucker as the crystals cover it, placing a lime wedge in her mouth.

  Pouring himself a shot, he very slowly licks the salt off the girl’s nipple, giving it a bite for good measure. She’s moaning, Axel tips back the shot before taking the lime wedge out of her mouth with his tongue.

  “That’s how I like to take my shots,” Axel says and the room erupts into hollers. “Who’s next?” he yells, raising an eyebrow.

  Isla and I look at each other; that is our cue to leave. Sammy gives us a thumbs up as Sean, the other security guard, arrives.

  “I'm going to check out the view,” I say, pointing to the back garden, Isla nods and heads back toward the pool bar.



  Looking down at the blonde's head sucking on my dick, I’m thankful we're hidden behind some bushes in the back garden with soft moonlight filtering over us. Fuck, Sienna looked incredible tonight in that black dress. She looked so beautiful I wanted to take her back to my room and finish what we started this morning, but she’s right, we are about to go on tour together for the next couple of months, and she deserves a man that isn’t surrounded by temptation. The blonde sucks me deeper down her throat, my hands fisting through her hair pushing my dick further. Fuck, this woman doesn't have any gag reflexes. That is pretty amazing. Faster and faster I piston into her mouth, I can feel my balls start to tingle, that feeling traveling up my spine.

  “Yeah, darlin’, that’s it. Suck me, suck me harder.”

  The blonde sucks harder, it feels so good, I'm just about to come when my eyes look up and standing in front of me is Sienna, looking shocked before turning on her heels and heading back into the party.

  “Fuck,” I roar as I come down the blonde's throat, there is no way I could have stopped. I was too far gone. Fuck! Fuck! Sienna. The blonde swallows me down like a good girl. I quickly tuck myself into my pants and run after her, my heart pounding. Fuck, she probably thinks I am the biggest bastard in the world, which I am. I know she said it was a mistake, but she probably didn’t think a couple hours later she would find me with a groupie on her knees. I need to get over my stupid infatuation with Sienna, because having her last night has made my crush even worse, and I can’t have her.

  So being the dick that I am, I go and seek relief from my thoughts of Sienna with some willing groupie, good one Evan, stupidest idea ever. Fuck! Running my hands over my scalp I can’t find where the hell she is.

  I’m getting worried now, it's been hours since I've seen her. She’s probably gone back to her room. Heading in that direction, I hear hollering coming from the entertainment room. What the hell is going on in there?

  “Work it girls, work it.”

  Walking into the room, twirling around the two stripper poles are Isla and Sienna. They are in fits of laughter as they unsteadily twirl around the poles to the delight of a group of men who are drooling over the scene in front of them.

  “No, Isla, hold on with both hands, let your arms carry your weight,” Sienna says as she shows Isla how to turn around the pole.

  “What’s happening?” I ask. A guy that I don't recognize, who is clearly enjoying the show, answers.

  “The blonde in the black dress is teaching the one in the white dress how to work the pole.”

  My eyes turn and see Sienna expertly twirl around the pole, her feet are not touching the ground. I can understand why all these men are mesmerized, because fuck me, it’s hot. She wraps her legs around the pole crawling up it then she lets her arms go. I take a step closer thinking she is going to fall, but she slowly slides down the pole, obviously having had too much to drink she can’t hold it long and ends up falling on the floor. Sienna and Isla are in fits of giggles over it; then out of nowhere I see Blake, from Sons of Brooklyn, our opening tour band, walk over to her and offers her his hand, she takes it, pulling herself up hitting flush with his chest. Fuck!

  Blake's hand comes around landing on the small of her back pulling her closer to him. He is young, good looking, his messy black hair and aqua blue eyes make the girls go crazy, plus he is cocky as fuck. Her hands are on his chest; their eyes haven’t left each oth
er. Whispering something to her, he makes her smile. No way, fuck that shit. I see red as he leans down and kisses her. That little fucker’s lips are on hers, and she is letting him. She likes it, so much so that she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in closer. Fuck no! Running my hands over my head, I feel sick watching the two of them. Karma, Evan, fucking Karma.

  Blake leads her away from the crowd toward a couch tucked in the corner, sitting down placing her on his lap; she straddles him and continues kissing him. The little punk’s hands are grabbing Sienna’s ass. I’ve had enough. Without thinking, I storm over to where they are sitting and interrupt their make out session.

  “Blake.” My voice is tense; I am trying to calm myself down. Sienna’s face turns toward me, her lips swollen from his kisses. I want to rip her out of his arms.

  “Hey, man,” he responds, giving me his cocky grin, his eyes grow wide telling me how happy he is to have her in his lap.

  “Sienna is one of our employees.”

  Blake stills. That’s right fucker, remember that rule we have, no fucking with any of the staff. His eyes look at her and back to me. “I’ve never seen her before,” he states, raising his brow at me.

  “She’s also Vanessa best friend.”

  That made him pause. Slowly, he picks Sienna up placing her beside him on the couch.

  Sienna is looking between the two of us.

  “Sorry, babe, we have a rule, no hooking up with staff,” Blake says, looking somber.

  Sienna is in shock.

  “She’s coming on the European Tour,” I state.

  Blake nods in understanding.

  Sienna’s green eyes shoot daggers at me as she turns her attention back to Blake. “I'm sorry, Blake. It’s such a shame Evan ruined our fun,” she says, leaning in closer to Blake and giving him a good look at her cleavage. “If you think my moves on the pole were great, my moves in the bedroom are outstanding. I am extremely flexible,” she adds. Standing up, she smooths the black fabric of her dress.

  “Evan, seriously man?”