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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 5

  And, with that, she signs off.

  Christian punches me in the arm. "Seriously, no touching Sienna. V is super protective of her. They are practically sisters. You can look, but no touching. There's plenty more willing women around."

  I nod in agreement, but I knew that promise would be hard to keep once she was here.



  “That fucking bastard,” I yell, throwing the newspaper across the breakfast table shocking everyone with my outburst. Spread across the black and white pages were big bold letters screaming Engagement. Photos of Beau and Diana, with their respective families dressed in formal attire, posing for the photographer. A close up picture of her ring attached to the article showing the large stone shining against her bony fingers. They had to twist the knife right where it hurts. Christmas and New Year’s Eve spent by myself for the first time in ten years. And Beau is spending it getting engaged to his mistress. Happy fucking New Year to me!

  "Beau proposed in front of our families on the stroke of midnight during the Williams’ family annual New Year’s Eve ball. He declared his love in front of everyone that we know and admire. I can't wait to marry him and plan our future together, one we missed out on having for such a long time. I can't wait to become Mrs. Williams and start a family with the man I love."

  Derrick starts gagging after reading the quote from Diana. "What a bitch. She just had to have a dig at you, didn't she?"

  "You were always too good for that man," Dad adds, before taking another bite of his blueberry oatmeal waffles.

  I love that Dad is a celebrated vegan chef, but sometimes I wish we could just have bacon for breakfast. Today definitely calls for bacon.

  "You can stay here for as long as you like, sweetheart." Mum smiles across the table at me. "You don't have to go back just yet if you don't want to, dear." I know she wants to keep me here a little longer because over the years I've been so busy with my business I haven't had much time to hang out with her, and this break has been good for us to catch up again.

  We are heading back to Sydney today and in all honesty, I want to stay stuck up here on the mountain where I can enjoy the bliss. Instead, I’m going to be hit by a media tsunami after the bombshell Beau dropped. “I know, Mum, but Derrick and I have to get home to pack so we can join Vanessa in LA.”

  Vanessa returned to the US yesterday, it was hard saying goodbye to her but we are going to see each other soon. After Vanessa surprised me with a private Dirty Texas concert, she offered Derrick and I a job as the band's newest stylists. It took us 2.5 seconds to say yes to her offer. Getting away from Sydney is exactly what I need. There's nothing left for me there anymore, and now Beau's engagement announcement makes moving from Sydney that much easier.

  "I'm just going to miss you so much, Sisi," Mum says, looking a little teary eyed which breaks my heart.

  "And I'm going to miss you as well, Derrick," she adds, giving him a smile.

  Mum and Dad adopted Derrick when I first brought him home after learning that his parents wanted nothing to do with him when he came out of the closet. They could never understand how Derrick's parents could turn their backs on their son like that. So they declared he was theirs from that day on, and Derrick has been a part of the family ever since.

  "Don't say that, I'm going to miss you too. Fuck, you're going to make me cry into my muesli," Derrick blubbers, making us all laugh.

  I got a message from Beau asking me to visit the house to make sure I have everything. Now that he’s engaged, I'm guessing Diana wants to move in, she probably wants everything of mine gone. The thought of that woman living in my home makes my stomach heave, but I have to move on, that was my old life.

  Pulling up to the front door of the house is surreal. Beau’s waiting for me in the doorway, dressed in his casual uniform of navy polo, white shorts, and boat shoes like he's just stepped off some pleasure craft. He’s waiting there like nothing ever happened between us, a welcoming smile on his face. All I want to do is dick punch him as soon as I step out of my car.

  “Sisi,” Beau calls out to me happily. I can hear the warmth in his voice and my stomach flutters. We stand there for a moment not knowing how to proceed now that we are strangers.

  “Guess congratulations are in order,” breaking the silence. Beau flinches at my tone.

  "Yeah, thanks," he replies.

  I push past him. Beau's scent hits my nose reminding me of a time when we were happy together. The ache in my heart I’ve been trying to heal crashes open again. Deep breaths Sienna, you can do this.

  I make my way up the stairs quickly and gather anything of mine that has been left. Luckily, it didn't take long. Looks like Diana has made sure to remove almost all of my things. With one last, lingering look around what was once my bedroom, I shake my head and make my way down the stairs for the last time.

  "You finished already? That was quick.” Beau smiles as he sees me.

  “You should be happy. There's nothing left of me here,” I reply with distain as I walk down the stairs slowly toward him.

  Beau frowns at my words, stopping me at the bottom of the stairs. Eye to eye, he lifts his hand and brushes his fingers across my cheek. I can see a million emotions cross his face. I hate the way my body is responding to his touch as I naturally lean into him before correcting myself.

  “I'm not happy about any of this.” Regret flashes across his face.

  “Beau.” His name comes out as a whisper as I try and push him away, but he doesn't move. My heart is racing. He is too close to me. It's been too long since we’ve been this close to one another.

  "I'm sorry, Sienna." Then his lips are on mine in the briefest of kisses.

  Pushing him hard enough to unbalance him, he falls off the last step. "No, Beau. You don't get to do that to me." My heart is pounding out of my chest as I head toward the door needing to get away from him.

  “Baby, wait,” Beau calls after me.

  Stopping for a moment, I turn around and slap him hard across the face. “I am not your baby anymore. You don't get to say you are sorry and kiss me like that. You're engaged to another woman,” I shout, breathing hard as the adrenaline kicks in.

  Beau rubs the red fingerprints on his face. “So, this is it, Sienna. This is how we will end things?”

  I’m shocked by his tone; he doesn’t get to be angry at me. “You did this, Beau, not me. I thought we were happy. You were the one who wanted to fuck around with Diana. You, not me, remember that, Beau. Now you're engaged to someone else. You,” I yell, emphasizing my words as I poke his chest. Tears begin to run down my cheeks. He doesn’t deserve them, not anymore.

  “Don’t you think I know that, Sienna? Every day I think about what I have done and wish I could turn back time. It has always been you; it will always be you,” he whispers while dragging his hand through his blond hair.

  “Your words mean nothing anymore, Beau,” I cry out, walking toward the front door.

  His hands are around my waist pulling me back into him. His mouth near my ear. “I love you, Sienna. I will always love you. I am so sorry I hurt you.”

  My heart stops. “Don’t, Beau, please don’t, it’s too late for those words now.”

  Turning me in his arms so we are face to face, he whispers, “I fucked up, Sienna. I’ve lost the best thing that ever happened to me. Believe me, when I say I didn't have a choice. I made a mistake with Diana, one I couldn’t walk away from.” I can see the tears forming in his eyes. “I don’t know how to tell you this.”

  My stomach drops, it can’t be anything good.

  “Diana’s pregnant.”

  My world spins by his confession; I stumble in his arms.

  “My parents made me choose her because of the baby. Dad’s exact words were: no Williams’ heir will be a bastard.”

  I can’t breathe. I’m suffocating under the weight of this news.

  “I wish she had never come into my life. I wish it were you having my baby.”

nbsp; My stomach lurches and jolts at his words. My hand twitches, I want to slap him again; anger flows through my veins. “Stop, Beau, just stop,” I shout at him, taking a deep breath and straightening myself, this is the time to pull up those big girl panties. “I wish you and Diana all the best with your new family. I'm sure your parents are delighted with this news.”

  “Sienna,” he breathes out, tears running down his cheeks.

  “I'm moving overseas; I can’t stay here and watch this.”

  “You’re leaving Sydney?” he queries as his face pales.

  “Vanessa offered me a job in LA.”

  I can see the distress on his face. “When…when are you leaving?”

  “Soon. I want a fresh start, Beau. I will not get it here.”

  He takes in a deep breath. “I fucked everything up, Si. My whole life is fucked,” he cries, letting out a heart aching sob.

  “Yeah, you did. Now you have to deal with those consequences because you are bringing a child into this world, Beau. You will make a great dad,” I encourage as I walk away from him and reach for the door knob.

  “Good luck, Beau.” It's the last thing I say to my partner of a decade, slipping out the door of my home for the very last time.



  Ever since Vanessa offered Sienna a job a couple of months ago, I’ve been anticipating her arrival. I have been slamming back beer after beer trying to bury the anxiety brewing inside of me. Knowing she's arrived and is currently at Vanessa's catching up with her is driving me crazy. I'm a fucking mess, but thank fuck none of the boys realize this. Just another Friday night out with the boys at The California Bros. in Venice beach. Normally I have better self-control when drinking, but tonight I've gotten wasted trying to put the thoughts of Sienna out of my mind.

  “You alright, man?” Christian asks as we bundle into the SUV early in the morning heading back to his house. Usually, I crash at my brother's house in Malibu when I'm in town, but I've asked to stay at Chris’ hoping to run into Sienna in the morning. Fuck, I'm a sad bastard.

  I shrug at him, because there is no answer to Chris' question. I can’t tell anyone about the thoughts in my head.

  “Feeling old, man? Can’t drink like you used to?” Christian teases.

  Like the fucker can talk, he turns thirty next year. Acting like a grown up, I punch him in the balls and laugh as he squeals in pain.

  “You fucker,” Christian yells in a high-pitched voice.

  It isn’t long until we are back at his place. The house is dark and quiet; the occupants are either asleep or out.

  “Night, dickhead,” Christian grumbles as he hobbles toward his room.

  I make my way downstairs to the guest rooms that overlook the pool on the ground floor. Not bothering to turn on the light, I throw my t-shirt off, kick off my chucks and socks as I walk. Fuck. I stub my toe on the stupid couch, the pain making my head even fuzzier than it already is. Pushing my jeans off I get them stuck around my ankles. Tripping me up, I land hard on my knees. “Motherfucker,” I curse, wrestling with my jeans. Finally free of them, I crawl into the large king-size bed, naked. My drunkenness is pulling me under and I drift soundly to sleep. A woman's screams jolt me awake. I jump out of bed in a panic. The dark room is spinning, my hangover starting to seep into my brain cells.

  “Who the fuck are you?” the female screams at me.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I ask, scratching my head. Because shit, I don’t remember taking a chick home from the bar. Not when Sienna has consumed my mind for the past twenty-four hours.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  She is shaking the bedside lamp at me like it will protect her. It’s cute.

  “Don’t fucking come near me. I have a weapon,” she whisper-yells.

  Sweetheart, I’m a six-foot-three, tatted up rocker, that lamp is not going to protect you from me. Then it clicks. The accent, the way she's swearing at me; it’s the same tone Vanessa gets when we’re in trouble. Fuck, it's Sienna! How did she get into my bed? My heart is racing; this was not the way I wanted to meet her for the first time. I take two steps into the early morning light so she can see who I am. I don’t want to scare her any more than I have.

  She drops the lamp, that’s when I know she’s recognized me, her eyes widen as she takes in my naked form, making my dick start to stand to attention.

  “Like what you see, sweetheart? Most women do.”

  Her eyes trail over me, I watch as her chest quickens, her cheeks blush, then she pinches herself.

  “You’re not dreaming, sweetheart,” I tell her as I walk toward her. I need to get closer. My dick is as hard as steel and her eyes don’t move from it which makes it throb.

  “You’re naked,” she blurts out.

  “Looks like I am,” I reply, giving her a smirk. The way she's looking at me tells me she's either two steps away from jumping into my arms and doing something she might regret, or bolting out of the room.

  “What are you doing in my room?” she asks.

  Pausing for a moment, I think to myself, how drunk did I get? Am I in the wrong place? No, all my stuff is in here; even my guitar is standing in the corner.

  “No, I'm sure this is my room, Sienna.”

  Now it’s her turn to look around the room. I can see the embarrassment all over her face as she realizes it's she who is in the wrong room.

  “Oh, I…I…” She tries to recover, but stumbles over her words. Sienna takes a couple of steps back away from me, her back hitting the wall behind her. I notice what she is wearing, which is fuck all. Dressed in nothing but a lace bra and panties; the bra barely covering her hard nipples, I can see every curve and dip of her body. I want to taste every inch of her glorious body.

  “You are a beautiful woman, Sienna.”

  Her teeth sink into her luscious lower lip; it takes everything not to do the same to her.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she adds quickly, making me chuckle.

  “What is that?” Sienna asks, her eyes focused on my cock.

  “That is my cock, a very hard cock.”

  Sienna rolls her eyes at me placing her hands on her hips. “I am well versed on cocks. I know what one is.”

  I like her sass, but next time she gives me some while my cock is out, her ass is going to be a lovely shade of pink.

  “But sweetheart, you haven’t seen mine before, look at it, IT. IS. PERFECTION.” Wrapping my hand around my throbbing cock, I stroke it back and forth hoping she will follow my lead.

  "Is that a ring?”

  Curious little one she is. “That, darlin’, is a Prince Albert piercing, I also have a pubic piercing at the base, ribbed for your pleasure.” I can see the heat in her eyes, she likes what she sees.

  “And women like that?” she asks.

  Usually, I don’t have this many questions when I'm naked with a woman.

  “Yes, sweetheart, they do. I made one woman faint after experiencing it.”

  It's true, I made one groupie faint after experiencing my metal but it could have been the fact that she was a mega fan, so just being in my presence was enough to send her over the edge. Because she fainted when I first spoke to her at the meet and greet, but she quickly recovered after a couple of orgasms.

  A small smile ghosts her lips as she looks at my cock. Her hand twitches at the side as if she wants to reach out and touch it.

  “I can see it on your face. You want to feel it.” I continue to slide my hand back and forth over my cock hopefully encouraging her to do the same.

  Sienna pauses. I can see she is having an internal struggle, so I take the choice away from her and grab her hand. Her tentative hand wraps itself around my length; her thumb skims over the metal ring.

  “You’re killing me, Sienna,” I whisper, resting my palms against the wall above her head. With each stroke of my shaft, my legs turn to jelly. Sienna finds an excruciatingly slow rhythm. Her touch sends tingles up my back. Our heavy breathing is fill
ing up the quiet room; our eyes caught on each other as she gives me pleasure.

  Her hand is not enough, I need more. Pressing my lips against hers tentatively, I let my tongue lick the seam of her mouth, waiting and hoping that she will let me taste her. Sienna lets out a whimper and opens her mouth for me; before I know it we are devouring each other.

  My hand falls on her ass lifting her up. Sienna’s legs wrap around my waist, pushing my hardness against her. Nothing but a scrap of fabric separates us; it’s not enough. I need more and my body presses into her. Dragging my piercing against her wet center, back and forth, Sienna’s body responds to each stroke.

  “You like the way my cock is stroking against you, making you wetter? Because I do.”

  I need more as I nip my way down her soft skin, over her collar bone, toward her tits. My nose pushes the lace away exposing one taut nipple. My tongue laves the puckered skin making Sienna moan as her head falls back against the wall. That’s it, sweetheart, you are mine. “Fuck, your tits are incredible” I palm the fullness of each breast, they fit perfectly in my hands. Sienna’s nails burn down my back. That’s it, baby, hang on I’m not done with you yet. I push myself hard against her clit.

  “Oh my God,” Sienna screams out as she bucks in my arms, her orgasm ripping through her body.

  Fuck yeah, I can feel myself not far behind her as I continue rubbing myself against her wet panties.

  Sienna pushes me away; her palms are flat against my chest and pushes harder against me. I let her feet fall to the floor; my breath labored, my dick is aching to finish. The look on Sienna’s face changes from satisfaction to panic as she grabs her clothes from the floor.

  “Sorry,” she whispers as she disappears through the glass patio door.

  Fuck, what have I done?

