Fate's Plan Read online

Page 7

  “This is so awesome.” Lilly comes away from the window, long enough to grab something to eat.

  “It’s pretty cool. I had no idea there were so many people.” There has to be hundreds of thousands of people on the street in the freezing weather.

  “I’ve always wanted to do this, but it’s seemed way too expensive. This must have cost you a small fortune, I mean, this view is unbelievable.”

  “I do okay,” is all I tell her; she sits down in my lap.

  “Well, thank you, I appreciate it.” She kisses my cheek. Has a woman ever thanked me for a gift before? The genuine thanks that is written all over her face, have I ever seen that before? Or was it always expected that I would shower the women I’m with, with expensive things. I never noticed it until now. A phone rings in the distance and Lilly rushes over to it.

  “Lolly,” she squeals into the phone. “You’re never going to guess where I am.” I can hear it in her tone, how happy she is to hear from her sister. “Luke whisked me away to Edinburgh for new year’s.” I wonder what her sister thinks? Am I good enough for Lilly? Or does she think I’m a creep like her ex? “I know. It is so awesome. Our apartment looks over the castle, and I can see everyone in the streets, it’s freezing and I am wearing my pjs. Best new year’s ever,” she squeals down the phone. I honestly think Lilly would have been happy sitting in her pjs in the cottage and still called it the best new year’s ever, and that’s what I like about her, she sees the positives in everything. Even when she went halfway across the world for her man and it turned into a nightmare, she dug in and explored a country she would probably never get a chance to visit again. Her tales of sailing the azure waters of Zanzibar, dancing with the Maasai Mara tribes, riding an elephant, morning toilet breaks having to dodge the feral pigs that wanted to get at the stinking toilets. She had to carry a stick to ward them off. She found this hilarious, telling me the story, honestly, the shock on my face was probably what she was really laughing at. “Okay, Lolly, love you, bye.”

  “She’s having fun?”

  “The very best, they are about to go on safari, and go camping out in the wilderness.” They are a hell of a lot braver than I am.

  “You miss it?”

  “A little. The break has been good, helped sort through things.” Hopefully those things are me. “I know I’m not going to give up being a doctor, but like you said, my services are well-needed everywhere, so maybe I could take some time and work in Italy.” Did I hear her correctly?

  “Italy.” She nods furiously.

  “If the offer still stands, if your friend… has, you know, space.”

  “Yes, yes he does.” I grab her face. “You’re coming to Italy?” She nods.

  “I’m taking a chance.” I give her a kiss, to show her how happy this makes me. I thought I was going to have to commute back and forth, which I would have without a second thought, but this … this is everything I want.

  We are cuddled together, after popping a bottle of champagne, and waiting for the fireworks start.


  A kaleidoscope of color and smoke fill the night sky around the castle.

  “Happy new year, Lilly.”

  “Happy new year, Luke.” As we celebrate midnight with a kiss, our attention is pulled back to the fireworks display in front of us. Lilly’s oohs and aahs, as each one fills the black sky; reds, greens, gold, so many colors, it’s pretty spectacular. I’m so happy I’m sharing this with her.

  There’s banging on the door, who the hell is banging on our door at this time in the morning. I look over at the bedside table and it’s 1037am, new year’s day. The apartment better be on fire, otherwise, heads will roll.

  “Who is it?” Lilly asks croakily from beside me.

  “I have no idea.”

  “They seem very insistent.” I pull on my track pants, and Lilly does the same. I stride through the apartment, totally pissed that some inconsiderate person is waking us up so early. I pull open the door.

  “What!” I shout. My eyes focus on the people standing in front of me. My sister and my ex, plus a legion of bodyguards. “What the hell are you doing here?” I scream at them in Italian.

  “Happy new year to you too, brother,” Allegra says stiffly. Her eyes glance over my shoulder at the movement behind me. “Didn’t take you long to find some whore to keep you entertained.” I take a step towards her, never in my life have I ever wanted to hurt my sister like I do right now. How dare she call Lilly a whore. She pushes her way into the apartment with her entourage. “I see your standards have dropped,” Allegra snipes.

  “I see your manners have disappeared also,” Lilly replies back in perfect Italian. Which gives them all pause. Allegra looks over Lilly, and I can see the sneer that’s curling her lip.

  “Who are you?” she demands, folding her arms. Lilly looks behind her and see’s Rachele, my ex, and their bodyguards.

  “Does it really matter who I am?” Lilly replies back to my sister, who looks like she is about to blow her top at her. Walking over to where Lilly is, I place my hand in hers. She’s shaking, but she is holding it together well.

  “No, it doesn’t. You’re just one of many of Luca’s conquests. Don’t get too comfortable,” Allegra snips at her again.

  “Luca?” Lilly whispers to me. I give her hand a squeeze and her attention is drawn back to the two women in front of her.

  “I think you’ve proved your point, Luca, now come home so we can get married,” Rachele adds, her eyes looking at Lilly furiously.

  “Married?” Lilly drops my hand.

  “Oh, did my brother forget to tell you that. He was supposed to get married just before Christmas, left my poor friend at the altar.” The smile on Allegra’s face says she knows she’s found Lilly’s weakness.

  “He’s my fiancé, whore,” Rachele adds. The harsh words hit Lilly and she takes a step back. No. I am not going to let my family mess us up, not when I found something good, finally.

  “The only whore I see is standing in front of me. You fucked my best man at our rehearsal dinner,” I yell at Rachele, who blanches.

  “Please, as if you weren’t sleeping with other women.” Allegra rolls her eyes.

  “I wasn’t,” I shout, thumping my chest. “I thought …” I let the words trail off, until Allegra and Rachele burst out laughing.

  “Oh, dear brother, you seriously thought that you would get married for love.” How hard is that to believe. “You know who we are, we have to marry for connections, not love.”

  “I thought we had an understanding,” Rachele adds. “I had no idea…” She tries to contain her laughter.

  “Who are you?” Lilly turns to me, a frown marring her beautiful face.

  “You haven’t told her?” Allegra jabs. “Oh, that’s cute, you wanted to slum it like a commoner.”

  “What is she saying, Luke?” I can see the distress on her face.

  “Oh, my God, you’re even using a commoner’s name, Luke. How bouji.” Her crackles fill the apartment.

  “Luke, Luca, whoever you are.” Lilly tries to run, but I grab her.

  “I’m still me, Lilly.”

  “I don’t know who that is anymore.”

  “He is Principe Luca Fiorenzo.”

  “You’re a prince?” Lilly looks at me in shock.

  “Yes, but …” Lilly pulls her arm from my reach.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you lie? You told me you were a businessman.” I can see the hurt on Lilly’s face.

  “That is all true, I am a businessman, but I am also a prince.”

  “A prince, that needs a princess, one that he has been betrothed to since birth,” Allegra adds.

  “I don’t want Rachele,” I spit.

  “You would rather that?” Rachele gives a dissatisfied glance at Lilly.

  “You know nothing about me. I’m actually a doctor, not a whore. I’ve just got back from saving lives in Africa. I grew up being surrounded by royals and London’s el
ite, they’re nothing special. My parents are doctors to most of them, as well,” Lilly tells the girls. “What do you do with your time? Spend it shopping? Going to parties? Cheating on your fiancé? Now, look in the mirror and see who is lacking.”

  “You bitch,” Rachele spits, launching herself at Lilly, who I quickly push behind me. The bodyguards pull her off me, but not without scratching my face first. “How dare you,” she screams like a wild cat. Lilly just smiles at them both, knowing she has secretly won, because that is exactly what they do all day, shop and attend parties. Allegra turns and glares at me.

  “Fine. If you won’t come back for her, then come back for Papa.”


  “Papa had a heart attack while you were away, I guess it was the public disgrace of his son not arriving on his wedding day that did him in.”

  “What? No. I don’t believe you, Giorgio would have told me, I spoke to him the other day.”

  “Fine, he didn’t have it on your wedding day but he had it a couple of days ago. Knowing you missed Christmas, and now new year. Those are holidays we never miss together, no matter what.” Is that sincerity in my sister’s voice?

  “Is he okay?” My hands are shaking, because as much as I hate the control my family exercises on me, they are still my family.

  “He’s in hospital.” The world falls out beneath me. Shit, what have I done. My little tantrum has put my father in hospital. Lilly places a hand on me.

  “You should go, be with your family, Luca.” She uses my real name. I turn and look at my sister.

  “Give us a moment.” She glares at me but takes her entourage with her back out of the apartment.

  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” Tears fall down Lilly’s face.

  “Come, come with me.” She shakes her head.

  “You should be with your family. Now is not the time to worry them about anything else.”

  “But what about us?” I grab her face. “What about the promises we said last night to each other.”

  “Everything's changed now, Luca.”

  “No. No, it hasn’t.”

  “We were only meant to be a holiday romance, nothing more. We were kidding ourselves that we could be more.” My heart begins to break, a sick pit in my stomach opens up.

  “I’ve fallen for you, Lilly.” She pushes herself out of my arms and paces the room.

  “You may think you have, but we come from two very different worlds. I’m just something different you thought you wanted, but in the end, I’ll just be a nice story to remember back on when you’re old.”

  “You have no feelings for me?”

  “How can I, I don’t know who you are.” Her words are like a knife to my chest.

  “I’m still me, the same guy that stood naked in your cottage’s living room, the same guy that thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world, the same guy that wants so desperately for the woman he loves, to love him back.” Lilly looks up at me through red-rimmed eyes.

  “I think you have me confused with someone else.” That is not what I wanted to hear from her. I stare at her, really stare at her, and she does the same back.

  “Fine. But the job offer still stands. I contacted my friend, he will speak to you in the new year sometime about working for his charity.” I turn on my heel and shove my stuff into my overnight bag, which doesn’t take me long. Lilly is staring out the big picture window overlooking the city. I can’t leave like this. Dropping my bag to the floor, I pull her into my arms and kiss her. It may be a goodbye kiss, but I need her to know that my feelings are real. She kisses me back, and I can taste her salty tears as she does.

  “Don’t give up on us, Lilly,” I tell her, pressing my forehead to hers.

  “Just go.” It feels like walking through wet cement every step away from her, my loyalties torn between a sick father and a woman I have fallen for.



  It’s a long journey home by myself. Thankfully, I was able to take Luke’s car, otherwise I would have no idea how I would be getting home. I pick up my phone and call the only person who I know will understand. It rings and rings and rings until it drops out. I try again.

  “Lilly.” Lauren’s voice echoes through the car’s speakers. I burst into tears. “Lil, what is the matter? Has something happened?”

  “Luke, his real name is Prince Luca Fiorenzo.” Lauren bursts out laughing.

  “Did you say prince?”

  “Yes.” The phone falls silent.

  “You’re being serious?”

  “Yes, and his evil sister and fiancée have just dragged him home to Italy.” Another bout of hysterical crying fills the car.

  “What! He has a fiancée?”

  “He left her at the altar because she slept with the best man at his rehearsal dinner.”

  “She did what!”

  “They called me a whore.” I’m being hysterical, I realize this.

  “Oh, hell no, they did not. She’s the one screwing her fiancé’s friends,” Lolly yells down the phone. “They are so lucky that I wasn’t there, royalty or not, I would have kicked their asses.” I burst out laughing, because I know she would have.

  “I would have paid money to see that. But don’t worry, I stuck up for myself.”

  “Good for you. So, where’s Luke now?”

  “Luca, which is basically Luke in English. He’s in Italy.”

  “He’s what? Oh, hell no. I need to kick his ass, too.” Like I said, feisty.

  “His father had a heart attack and was in hospital, that’s why they were trying to find him.”

  “Oh. It does seem convenient.”

  “Lauren! Don’t say that,” I tell her, shaking my head.

  “Well, they sound like bitches, I wouldn’t put it past women like that. I’ve watched The Tudors; royalty does that sort of stuff.”

  “This isn’t medieval times, Lolly.”

  “So, what are you going to do?”


  Lauren screams at me, “Nothing, you’re just going to let a prince go?”

  “I don’t care that he’s a prince.”

  “I know, but still, a prince.” I look out over the emerald green and white rolling hills of the Scottish countryside and try and picture myself living in a gilded castle. No. I don’t think that is for me.

  “He told me he loves me.” Another squeal echoes through the car.

  “He what? Why would you leave the most important thing out of the story? He loves you.” The tears flow again, thinking about the way he kissed me as he said goodbye, the way he tried to convince me that what he was feeling was real, and I pushed him away.

  “I told him to go.”

  “Oh, Lilly-poo. Why would you do that?” My sister’s voice softens.

  “Because it was the right thing to do. We could never work, his sister made it very clear I was beneath her, his whole family could feel the same way,” I tell her, letting out a long sigh.

  “Once they get to know you, they will love you. How can they not, you are frickin’ awesome.” My sister’s words pep me up.

  “I think it’s for the best, Lolly. Maybe our time isn't right.” There is a long pause before Lauren speaks again.

  “Fate works in mysterious ways.” Oh, here we go. “I think maybe the timing is off with you both, but she will find a way to bring you both back together. I have faith in fate.” At least one of us does.

  “Anyway, I have to go. You don’t need my drama distracting you from your holiday. Love you.”

  “Love you, sissy-boo. Just remember, you are worth it.” And with that bit of wisdom, she hangs up.

  I’ve spent the past week crying into my hot cocoa. I know, girl power and all that stuff, but sometimes a girl just wants to wallow in her hot chocolate and bake, and binge watch Sex and the City. I feel bad that I’m more upset over Luca leaving than I ever was about Rob, who is still blowing up my phone, even after I travelled halfway across the world to
get away from him. I don’t care for his new year wishes; I don’t need them. I’m doing just fine without him. I drop some chocolate onto my pajamas and lick it off, a whole new level of wallowing. I’m totally fine, honest. My phone vibrates and it’s another message from Luca. Now, when a girl is at the bottom end of wallowing, she will, you know, cyber stalk the man that broke her heart; Luca, not Rob.

  My heart hurts looking at all his old Instagram photos. Thankfully, there isn’t many of him and his fiancée. The images were mostly of him travelling around the world; casinos in Monaco, private yachts in the south of France, shopping sprees along Rodeo Drive, a whole other life that he led that is so far from the one I live or the person I thought he was. It’s hard meshing Luke and Luca into the one person in my mind. But, Luca is persistent. Even though I haven’t responded to a single text message from him, they still come. Telling me about his father, how his health is slowly improving and how he’s finally at home resting. He also texts me messages of how he misses me, wishes I was by his side during this time. Those messages hurt my heart, and takes all my willpower to not book a ticket onto the next flight to Rome to be with him. Especially when he adds in some dirty talking sexts, they really kill my resolve. But a prince and a doctor don’t really fit the fairy tale mold, do they?

  My phone rings again, and this time it’s from a number I don’t know.


  “Buongiorno. Is this Miss Lilly Simpson?” A happy-sounding Italian man greets me on the phone and my heart begins to thump wildly in my chest. I wouldn’t put it past Luca to find a way for me to take his calls.

  “Si,” I say cautiously.

  “Fantastico. My name is Andrea Rossi. His highness, Principe Luca put me in touch with you.” His highness, that sounds funny. “He said that you would be perfect for our organization.”