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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Read online

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  Fuck, this isn't good. I imagine her tits bouncing up and down in that little black dress as she rides me. My piercing is rubbing her clit with each slide against my aching shaft. I can hear her moaning with each hard thrust, over and over again until she is screaming. I blow my load quickly by the visuals in my head and I'm a little stunned. I'm going to hell for this. Fuck!



  My life has been one big blur of paparazzi the last couple of months. The media is hounding me, wanting my comments on Beau and Diana. Pictures of them on dates have been leaked recently. Beau's camp has gone on the long lost love route, romanticizing his infidelity. Diana has been very vocal about her love for Beau.

  I can't escape it. They are everywhere, on every magazine and newspaper, pictures of their smiling faces attending charity functions together with his family. It's amazing how quickly I've been replaced. I am constantly being harassed by photographers trying to stir up reactions from me as they throw Diana and Beau's relationship in my face. I've had to hire security to keep them away after one particularly nasty incident that led to my tear soaked face spread across the pages of the weekend newspapers.

  I’m going to have to come face to face with Beau and his lawyers today. I want this over and done with so I can move on with my life, just like Beau has done. Meeting my lawyer outside Beau's offices, he gives me a quick pep talk before we make our way through the glass doors. The receptionist gives me a timid smile showing us toward meeting room number five. Seeing Beau, looking handsome in his dark grey suit, wearing the silver tie I bought him, my heart flutters remembering all the good in him. Trying to calm myself down, I tell myself he's not mine anymore. You can do this, Sienna.

  Then I see HIM! My steps falter for a moment. Of course, he would be here. This is the best day of his life, watching his son finally get rid of me for good. Sitting in the chair across from the group of imposing men, Beau's blue eyes look at me greedily as I walk in. I made sure I looked good for that very reason.

  “Miss Hayes." Beau's father Phillip stands.

  I haven't heard my maiden name in over a decade, it sounds strange to be called that again. I better get used to it. No pleasantries are exchanged. We get stuck right into it.

  "We have found some interesting information that has changed this case." The tight smile that slides across Phillip's face tells me what I need to know. I’m about to be screwed over.

  Beau sits up straighter. "Dad, what are you talking about?"

  "Son, be quiet, let me handle this," Phillip yells.

  Beau sits back, not daring to argue with his father. His eyes flash to mine, telling me he is as lost by Phillip's rambling as I am.

  "Looking through your wedding paperwork from Las Vegas." The grimace that sets across his face is still there after all these years. "They weren't filed correctly, so your marriage isn't legal."

  My lawyer speaks up; looking over the paperwork Phillip is waving in my face.

  "What the hell is he talking about? Beau?" Panic grips my body.

  "You will not address my son, Miss Hayes," Phillip snaps at me, silencing the room.

  "But as Miss Hayes and Mr. Williams have been living with each other for the past ten years, she is legally his de facto," my lawyer argues.

  Not married? Those words run around in my mind. Beau and I were never married. All these years of marriage they never existed legally. Numb. I’m numb as the lawyers continue arguing around me, it is all white noise to me now.

  “Miss Hayes." My lawyer catches my attention. "Did you hear that?"

  Shit, no, I just missed something important.

  "Dad, this is cruel, even by your standards." Beau's face is red; his knuckles have gone white from holding them so tight.

  I had spaced out at the wrong time. "Can you repeat it again for me?"

  My lawyer looks at me, hopelessness in his eyes. Shit this isn’t good.

  I listen as my attorney informs me that the houses, cars, and the three buildings that housed my business were all purchased via the family trust, not outright by Beau as I believed them to be. If I am willing to walk away from my businesses and not contest them, I will get a lump sum of money and all my employees will keep their jobs. But, if I contest they will close it down, lease out the space and destroy everything I’ve worked on for the past six years.

  How could I have been so bloody stupid? I trusted my husband. When he said he bought the property, I didn't even check how. Fuck, fuck, fuck. A migraine charges into my forehead. "What does that mean?" Nausea settles in my stomach.

  Without skipping a beat, Phillip answers my question. "Miss Hayes, it means that you have no claim to any of the property because my son doesn't legally own any of it. I am willing to be generous, but don't push me or I will quickly take my generosity away. We will be in touch." He couldn't help himself from chuckling as he walks out of the meeting, slamming the door behind him. His lawyers quickly following after him.

  "Sienna, I'll fix this. I won't let him get away with it, I promise," Beau whispers, before disappearing after his father.

  "I just got fucked over, didn't I?" I question, looking at my lawyer.

  "Yeah, they just screwed you over on all of those considerable assets. We can try and fight it, but it will be a lengthy and expensive process. We have the joint bank accounts plus any items you bought together. Anything that is in his name, not the trusts, you have a claim to."

  The room spins as the reality of my situation sinks in. "Thank you, Anthony, for trying to help me. I can't fight them though, Phillip won and he knows it."

  My lawyer gives my shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sorry, Sienna. You can always fight but they will tie you up in litigation for years if they want to waste any money you do have."

  He’s right, Phillip would do that. My only choice is to agree to his demands then move on with my life. Whatever that might be.

  Walking through the door of Derrick’s apartment, I feel shell shocked.

  "Oh shit," Derrick says, seeing my face. "This is bad." Turning toward the bedroom he shouts, "Come out NOW."

  The bedroom door swings open, and there standing before me is my oldest friend Vanessa, who I thought was in the US.

  "Sisi," she screams, pulling me into a tight hug. I melt into her arms, and then the tears start. They soon turn into uncontrollable sobs.

  Pushing my hair off my face and out of my eyes, Vanessa grabs my attention. "Sisi, I'm here now, it's going to be okay," she reassures me.

  A couple of hours later I have calmed down enough from the shock of my day. The tequila helped my frayed nerves and I was able to appreciate Vanessa finally being here. I still can’t believe she has flown half way across the world to be with me. She wanted to spend Christmas and the New Year with me, the first one as a single lady.

  Vanessa has organized for us to go home to Byron Bay to see our families and spend the holidays relaxing. It helped that our families owned their own health retreat. It sounds like exactly what I need, to get away from Sydney, hang out with Mum and Dad, do some yoga, sun bathe at the beach, go horse riding, and get back to nature. Find my bliss.

  "I'm going to take Phillip's deal. I don't have a choice. I can't let all those people lose their jobs just before Christmas; not after all those years of service."

  "You're a better woman than I am, Si, "Derrick says, placing his arms around me.

  "What do you think you want to do next? Would you and Derrick start over again? Will you stay in Sydney? What about Melbourne? You could always move there,” Vanessa asks, firing off questions.

  They were all great questions. Ones I have been thinking about myself. I'm not sure if I even want to stay in Sydney. Live with Beau and Diana prancing around everywhere? No thank you.

  "You know, I will follow you wherever you go," Derrick adds, bringing me to tears. He's a good man and one that I would be lost without. He has been by my side helping me run my business for the past six years. He was never just an employee; he was my
partner, my friend. He is my family.

  "I know you're probably not in the mood, but I’ve organized a little surprise for you. I want to make you feel better,” Vanessa says, smiling as she flips open her laptop.

  Derrick is bouncing beside me.

  What has she got planned?

  Vanessa pulls out her laptop and types away for a couple of moments, a male voice filters through.

  "Hey, Queen V, miss me?" My eyes widen at Christian Taylor! Guitarist and all round bad boy of Dirty Texas. Over the years, I’ve seen him pop up on Vanessa's screen when we have been chatting. It's crazy to know my best friend lives and works with the superstar. Derrick's face is priceless; he has the biggest crush on him.

  "No, my life has been quite pleasant. I haven't missed you, much."

  Christian laughs, "V, I know you love me. I miss you, babe, the house feels empty without you in it."

  That had to be the sweetest thing I have heard. Vanessa is tight-lipped about her relationship with Christian saying they are just friends. I know something has happened between them before she worked with the band but nothing since then. He’s such a flirt, plus he's hot, not sure how she can keep her hands off him.

  "I'm sure you have filled the house up with enough bimbos to compensate for me not being there."

  Christian's booming laugh echoes through the screen. "You know me so well, V.”

  "Just tell me you have been behaving, I don't want TMZ contacting me again." Vanessa sounds like a mother checking up on her wayward child.

  There is silence for a moment.

  "Seeing as I haven't had people trying to sell naked photos of you, I guess you have been good," Vanessa laughs.

  "Mom's in town, so yeah, he's been good," another voice calls out from behind Christian.

  "Good to know, Axel," Vanessa says. "Tell Viv and Ken I say hi, and sorry I'm missing Christmas with them this year. I promise I'll give your mum a call on Christmas day for a chat."

  "She's sad she's missing you this year, but she understands," Axel adds in the background.

  "I'm sad as well. I'm missing you,” Christian whispers.

  "I'll be home in a couple of weeks, Chris. I miss you too," Vanessa confesses. All jokes aside for a moment, they both stare at each other for a touch longer than they should. Vanessa shakes off the moment, quickly bringing the conversation back to them.

  "Now don’t forget that I'm here to make Sienna happy, remember," she says, ushering me toward the screen.

  "Hey, Sienna," Christian cheers, smiling into the camera. Far out, he is hot and his Texan accent is so sexy.

  I give him a timid smile, because talking to my favorite band apparently makes me act like a mute.

  Axel pushes his brother out of the way. “V asked us if we could help cheer you up."

  Shocked, I turned toward my best friend. She is the best.



  There she is, live on the computer screen. Axel and Christian hogging her attention.

  "She's cute," Oscar says, nudging me, looking at the screen.

  Fuck off, I scream in my head. Over the past couple of months, I’ve been following the media reports about Sienna's break-up from her husband.

  Viewing the footage of Sienna in tears and being hounded by the press made me want to reach out through the screen, pull her into my arms and protect her from the evil paparazzi. I may have developed a small crush on Sienna, especially since Vanessa decided that I was her confidant in all things Sienna. Sienna's face has been popping into my head at terrible times, usually when I’m stroking myself. She has no idea I've been following her like some stalker. Running my hand over my shaved head, I think to myself how sick I am. That has to be the only explanation for my new creeper ways.

  "Guys," Axel calls, pulling me from my thoughts. He motions for us to join them. Finn and Oscar say hi to the girls then step aside for me.

  "Hey, V." Vanessa's face fills half the screen, but my attention's drawn to Sienna. Her blonde hair is pulled up into a tight ponytail, her white blouse unbuttoned just enough, exposing the top of her generous breasts. Sienna realizes I'm staring at her now, her eyes quickly moving away when I glance at her.

  "Holy shit, Si, it's Evan Wyld," a male voice calls from the side, stealing her attention for a moment as she looks toward him. I see her punch the person in the arm which makes me laugh. Her green eyes come back and rest on me.

  "You must be Sienna." I want to tell her how beautiful I think she is and how that loser of an ex doesn't deserve someone like her, but instead I smile as if she’s just another fan. Is she blushing? I notice the pink color on her cheeks.

  "Hi." The man’s face from Vanessa’s photos fills the screen as he waves to us.

  Vanessa pulls him away. "This is Sienna's surprise, not yours, Derrick."

  All I can focus on is Sienna's beautiful smile as her two friends bicker. "I hear you're a big fan," I say, trying to grab Sienna's attention.

  "She's not just a fan, she is a huge fan," Derrick answers. "Especially of yours," he adds at the last minute.

  Sienna looks mortified at her friend’s admission. Embarrassment flushing her cheeks as the color runs up her neck and onto her face. She punches Derrick in the arm again, hard.

  "What? You have Evan Wyld talking to you, Sienna. You're a single lady now, just putting it out there."

  Now it was my turn to laugh. Derrick sounds like he would be fun to hang out with. "I always want to please my fans, especially the beautiful ones," I respond, dropping my voice low and flashing her my dimples; the ones that make women's panties magically disappear.

  Sienna's eyes widen as she bites her bottom lip.

  "Are you boys set up?" Vanessa asks, breaking the connection between me and Sienna.

  "Yep, ready to go, V," Axel answers.

  Vanessa asked us if we could sing a couple of songs for Sienna just to make her feel better. There was no way in hell I was going to say no to that request. We sing five songs for her and each word I sing; my eyes never leave her. All three of them stand and give us a standing ovation with whoops and laughter.

  "Thank you all so much," Sienna cries with tears in her eyes. Derrick puts his arm around her shoulder pulling her in close to him. "It's been a shit day, and you all have made it so much better. Thank you."

  I want to reach through the computer screen and touch her. I wish it was my arm around her telling her everything will be okay. We all say our goodbyes; then they vanish.

  Vanessa's smiling face fills the screen again. "Thank you so much, guys." Her green eyes looking around at each of us. "Hold on, I have to move to the other room. I need to talk to you about something."

  We watch as the computer moves; we see white walls and Vanessa's head bobbing as she walks. The sound of a door closing, and then Vanessa is back in front of the screen again.

  "Sorry about that, I wanted to chat with you guys for a moment."

  We wait to hear what Vanessa has to say.

  "Today was a terrible day for Sienna, so thank you for doing this."

  My protective instincts are on high alert.

  "She just found out that due to some fuck up, she isn't, or was never, technically married to Beau, so she's been left with nothing in the divorce."

  My fists ball. What the fuck?

  "And to make matters worse, because Beau bought everything they own through some family trust, they are kicking her out of her business after six years of hard work. If she goes quietly, they will pay her market value for the company, but if she makes a fuss they will close it down and fire everyone before Christmas. She built that boutique up to be the most exclusive boutique in Sydney. Derrick and Sienna developed and formed their styling business to be the most sought after celebrity stylists in Sydney."

  "What do you want us to do, V?" Christian asks, reading Vanessa the best.

  "I know I can't ask this, but we have the European tour coming up. I was just wondering if we could hire Sienna and Derrick so I can get h
er away from here?"

  The room is silent, but all I can hear is my heart pounding.

  "Yes," I blurt out. The rest of the boys look at me, shocked.

  "For you, V, of course. We can always use an extra couple of hands around the place on tour," Axel answers.

  "Don't forget Jay is leaving us this tour, we’ll need help with wardrobe," I remind them all.

  Vanessa's eyes catch mine; an enormous grin lights up her face.

  "Evan's right. Derrick and Sienna could totally do his job," Vanessa squeals excitedly.

  Axel eyes me suspiciously. I shrug.

  "Okay, set it up, V, they will be a perfect addition to our team." With that, Axel walks away leaving Christian and I talking to Vanessa.

  "Don't think I didn't see you flirting with her, Mr. Wyld," Vanessa scolds.

  I try to pretend I don't understand what she’s talking about.

  "Dude, no touching the employees. Remember tour rules," Christian adds.

  Fuck, how could I forget? It will be torture traveling with Sienna for three months, not being able to touch her. I need to get this crush under control before she arrives.

  "Hands off Sienna if she joins the tour. You are as bad as him not being able to keep your dick in your pants," Vanessa reprimands us both.

  "Hey!" Christian pretends to be hurt.

  "I know, I know, but she’s hot," was my only comeback.

  Vanessa folds her arms over her chest not looking happy with my comment.

  "It will make her day if I tell her that. But still hands off, understood?"

  I nod. Yeah, I get it, she's off limits.

  "And Christian, please behave in Mexico. I don't want to have to kick your ass when I get home."

  Christian crosses his heart.

  Vanessa didn't look convinced at all.