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Suddenly Tied (The Dirty Texas Series Book 3.5) Page 4

  Isla waves her hand. “Please, you had a lot going on. But I am so happy that you and Axel are together.”

  “Thank you, took me a while to work it out, but I am so glad that I did.” Ivy ushers us back into the living room where a beautiful array of tiny canapés is set out before us. Ivy pops the cork of the champagne bottle and pours us all a glass.

  “Just water for me today.” Isla states, Ivy and I give her a strange look. “Hangover,” she declares.

  “Cheers to Liv and love,” Ivy says, smiling at me. We all clink our glasses and settle back into the soft sofas.

  “So, how did things go with the parents?” Ivy asks.

  I roll my eyes. “Penny and Eddie were there.” Ivy chokes on her champagne.

  “No way, really? Gosh, how did that go?” she asks.

  “As you could imagine, swimmingly.” Isla and Ivy chuckle. “But Axel stood up for me, basically told Penny off for one of her snide comments about me.”

  “He’s a good guy, Axel,” Isla adds.

  “That he is. But surprisingly my father had my back as well.”

  “Really?” Ivy looks shocked. She’s been around my parents and my family for years now, she knows them well. “It’s about time.”

  “He told Penny that she needed to join the family business.” Ivy chokes again. “Yes, that went down like a lead balloon. Of course mother took Penny’s side, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He told her that she would be moving into the village down from the estate. He also asked me to teach Eddie about the business side of running an estate as he would be taking over his own family’s estate one day in the near future, but his father believes he is not ready.”

  “Wow, things are changing then.”

  “I think they are. Axel and my father went shooting the other morning, had a great time. They get on really well, which is amazing. While he was away, Eddie found me and apologized.”

  “No he did not,” Ivy gasps.

  “Yes, he sure did. He also told me that Penny and my mother were not out shopping for the baby as they led me to believe. She was having a paternity test.” Both girls gasp.

  “Eddie doesn’t think the baby is his?” Ivy questions.

  I shake my head. “No he doesn’t. He knows she was sleeping with someone else while they were together, I mean so was he. He also told me that he found her screwing the best man during their reception.”

  “No fucking way,” Isla exclaims.

  “Seriously, this is like a soap opera,” Ivy adds.

  “I know, right? He says that if it is his baby then he will stay married, but if it isn’t then he is going to demand a divorce or something.” The girls nod in agreement.

  “What do you think?” Ivy asks.

  “Honestly, I have no idea. Eddie seemed genuinely shocked when she announced she was pregnant.” Ivy nods in agreement. “But who knows. I guess we will find out over the next couple of days.”

  “If it’s not Eddie’s baby, I wonder whose it is,” Isla contemplates.

  We all go quiet for a moment, thinking it over. It could be anyone’s judging from the tabloid gossip.

  “Who cares about her, how are you and Axel?” Ivy asks.

  “We are perfect; I couldn’t be happier. We just have to sort out the living arrangements, that’s why he’s checking out real estate for a London office.”

  “And will you spend time in LA?” Isla asks.

  “Yeah, not sure how it will all work, but I need to find a manager for the estate. Ever since Christian and Vanessa’s wedding we have been inundated with wedding requests from the general public and celebrities.”

  “Sounds like you need a full time wedding planner now,” Ivy adds.

  “Yeah, I think I might. I should probably ask Camryn. She might know some people.”

  “I know Cam’s friend Harper has an exclusive PR firm, maybe you could talk to her about how best to capture this media attention from Vanessa’s wedding and turn it into dollars,” Ivy suggests.

  “That’s an awesome idea. See, I have so much to do, I don’t know how I am going to be able to make everything happen.”

  “I know Penny is a bitch, but…she is pretty good at organizing parties,” Ivy says quietly. “Maybe, you know, she could be the event organizer. I mean she does have all those celebrity contacts.”

  I frown for a moment, anything to do with Penny makes me squirm, but maybe Ivy is right. I’m not sure what else she could possibly do in the business.

  “Anyway, what has been going on with you two?” I ask, turning the attention back onto them.

  “Nothing much, just the same old things,” Ivy adds.

  My eyes narrow. “What happened with Alex?” Ivy met Alex when we were at The Paradise Club resort. He’s the owner, Nate’s, younger brother. He is also some real estate tycoon or something, he’s helping Axel out with finding a new office today.

  “It was just some holiday fun, nothing more,” she states. I nod then turn my attention to Isla.

  “And you? How’s everything going working with that hot chef, Sebastien?”

  Isla sighs, “He is wonderful, I am having the best time. I have been jet-setting all over Europe. I got to catch up with Yvette as well in Paris.” Yvette is this amazingly talented designer who is friends with the Dirty Texas girls. She designed Vanessa’s wedding dress which was stunning, plus she is a really fun girl to hang out with.

  “So, you know, has anything happened?” Ivy asks.

  Another sigh from Isla. “Stupidly, once.” We both raise our eyebrows.

  “I was lonely, a little drunk and horny, and one thing lead to another and we slept together.”

  “Please tell me that man was amazing,” Ivy pries.

  Isla giggles, “Of course, but…” We both hang on the edge of our seat. “We are just friends. After it happened and we both woke up we knew it was a mistake. He is hot and everything, but we are more friends than anything else.”

  “So, what about Finn?” I ask.

  Isla tenses. “Finn…he is one big complication. I don’t know. He was my first love; we have been together through so much. He’s my best friend and I miss him, but…”

  “Why have you two always hidden what has happened between you both?” I ask.

  “I didn’t want it to affect his friendship with Oscar. Plus, we were so young when we started hooking up. Oscar was protective of me growing up. I think we just got used to the fact that was how our relationship was.” Isla takes a sip of her water before continuing. “Once Finn became famous, everything between us stopped. I guess you grow up, and that teenage love dies out.”

  “But haven’t you been hooking up recently?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, it started a couple years ago. I broke up with my long term boyfriend, he was a dick, jealous of me hanging out with rock stars all day. Touring with them et cetera, even though he was an actor and his days were spent kissing other women. Of course, I didn’t know at the time he was also screwing them in his trailer. You know the story, you surprise your supposedly loving boyfriend and you end up being the one surprised. Five years I wasted on him.”

  “Bugger, Isla. I’m sorry,” Ivy adds.

  “Yeah, me too. I was only dating him because I was sick of watching Finn screw around with groupies all the time.” Ivy and I both make faces. “Yeah, exactly,” Isla laughs. “I jumped into my car and drove straight to Finn’s house, thankfully it was skank free. I knew if I saw Oscar he would charge down to the studios and kick my ex’s ass. I just needed a friend. And, well…after some tears, one thing lead to another and that’s how we started sleeping with each other again.” Isla shrugs.

  “And now?” I ask.

  “Now, I don’t know. All I know are things have become complicated.”

  “How so?” Ivy asks.

  Isla shakes her head. “Ugh, that’s a story for another day. We are here to celebrate Axel and Olivia,” she says, changing the subject. We both let her because we could see she was getting upset.


  I’ve been thinking about what Ivy said about Penny maybe taking over the events side of the estate. She’s pregnant, so it would only be temporary. I don’t think I can see Penny being a stay at home mother.

  “Hey, you okay? You have a big frown line, right here.” Axel presses the deep line between my brows.

  “Sorry, just thinking about Penny.”

  He chuckles, “Well, that would do it.” I smile at him; we are currently chilling in the hotel room. Axel has just returned from looking at real estate. He has narrowed it down to a couple of places. Places that Alex actually owns and said he would give him a good deal on. Just has to pick which location would suit the label.

  “Ivy suggested that I should hire Penny to work in our events team, seeing as that’s pretty much all she has done, is plan parties.”

  Axel is quiet for a moment. “Can you trust her?” he asks.

  “I hope so. I’m not sure what else she would be interested in, and I know my father is going to want her to do something.” Axel nods. “I think she might actually like it, give her some independence.”

  “You are too good, do you know that?” He kisses my lips. “Even after everything that your sister has put you through, you still want to help her.”

  I sigh, “Does that make me a sucker?”

  “Hey, no, not at all. That makes you a wonderful human being.” Kissing my lips again, he adds, “One that I am madly in love with.” Another soft kiss follows.

  I’m back at the castle in England and have spent the last week sorting out all the work I dropped while I was with Axel. Luckily, it hasn’t been too bad, but I think I am going to need more staff, the publicity from Christian and Vanessa’s wedding, as well as Penny and Eddie’s at another one of our properties, has propelled us into the spotlight. I called Camryn’s friend, Harper, and hired her services in regards to PR for our holdings. She wants to capture the momentum from the last couple of well-known weddings held at our properties. I spoke to Camryn about helping me put together a special events team for all our properties and she came up with the perfect solution. Starr & Skye Events, will be looking after the events side to our holdings. Having someone as experienced in high end events, like Camryn and her company, takes a huge amount of stress off me, plus I trust Camryn’s company as well, it’s the best in the world. She already has high end clients who would love to hold an event at one of our English, Scottish or French castles. There is even interest in events at our manor homes and our little rustic villages. They could even holiday at our villa in Mustique in the Caribbean.

  “You wanted to see me,” Penny snarls as she enters my office. I plaster a smile on my face trying to block out her attitude.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask as I motion for her to sit in front of me. She eyes me suspiciously.

  “Sick, morning sickness is a bitch.”

  I give her a small smile. “Oh dear, hopefully that passes soon.” Well, this is kind of awkward.

  “Did you call me down here to just ask me about my morning sickness or was there another reason?” I guess being pregnant hasn’t mellowed out her bitchiness.

  “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.” She raises her eyebrows at me, but stays mute. “I know father is pretty adamant about you working in the family business.” Penny crosses her arms and huffs. “And I was thinking of what you could do.”

  “If you are going to make me the cleaner to seek some kind of revenge on me, I am not doing it. I would rather be cut off than clean up other people’s shit.”

  I roll my eyes. “I would never be that petty, Penny. I’m not like you.” Penny gasps at my bitchy retort. “But you do have a certain skill set that I think would be a pretty good asset to the business.” Penny narrows her eyes at me trying to work out if I am teasing her or not. “Starr & Skye Events, Camryn’s event company, will be taking over the events side of our business. I have decided that they have the knowledge and the contacts to help raise our profile in conjunction with the PR company I have hired. They will help expand on the media attention attached to your wedding and Vanessa’s.” This makes her sit up a little.

  “My wedding?” she questions.

  “Yes, I am sure you are aware that your wedding was the talk of the town, and not because of the change of bride.” She rolls her eyes at me. “You have a high profile, Penny, and I think we can use that profile to create more business.” Penny looks at me genuinely shocked.

  “Me? You think I could help the business?” Penny questions me.

  “Yes, I do. I was wondering if you would like to join the events team. There will be lots of planning with the up and coming celebrity weddings, film shoots, magazine articles, all those sorts of things. I mean you have all the contacts already.” Penny is staring at me in bewilderment.

  “You seriously think I could do this?”

  “Yes, I really do. I know we don’t get on, but I do know one thing, you know how to throw a party.” She gives me a genuine smile.

  “Well, yes, that is true.”

  “And you know all the right people,” I add.

  “Yes, this is true also.”

  “So, why not combine them together and use those contacts. I know it would make our parents proud, plus I thought you might genuinely like to do it. I’m guessing you will be pretty bored stuck in the village instead of London.”

  Penny stays quiet for a moment. “Why are you doing this for me?” She looks up at me, her eyes watery.

  “We’re family, it’s just what we do.”

  Penny frowns. “But after everything I have done to you. You still want to help me?”

  “I can’t do this on my own, Penny, I need your help. I never wanted to be enemies, I never understood why you hated me so much.”

  “Because you’re so fucking perfect,” she confesses.

  I burst out laughing. “Seriously, I am so far from perfect, Penny.”

  “Daddy adored you…you were his favorite.”

  “And you were Mummy’s favorite, but you didn’t see me acting out over it.”

  Penny frowns again. “I guess…I guess I need to grow up.” She surprises me with her comment. “I’m having this baby and there’s a chance that I am going to be doing it on my own.” Her honesty surprises me.

  “Eddie isn’t the father?” I ask.

  Penny shrugs. “Honestly, I am not sure.” She shifts in her seat uncomfortably. “I know that makes me sounds like a slut, but…um…okay, I was a slut and I guess this is my karma.” A small tear falls down her cheek.

  “I’m sorry, Pen.”

  “This is my mess and I am going to fix it.” She straightens up in the seat. “I see how happy you are with Axel and I want that.” It’s my turn to stiffen. “No, I don’t want Axel,” she adds. I raise a brow at her which makes her laugh. “Yeah, I wouldn’t trust me either after everything. But honestly, no I do not want him. He is so in love with you it’s disgusting. I will never have that with Eddie…ever. If this baby isn’t his, then he is going to leave me, and if it is…”

  “He told me that he would make it work.” This surprises her.

  “He spoke to you?”

  “Yes, the other day, he apologized and told me about your little…um…indiscretion at the wedding reception.” Penny looks surprisingly embarrassed.

  “Oh that…yeah…well…um…I’m an idiot. I just wanted to hurt Eddie. I’m sure he didn’t tell you about his indiscretion at the reception either.” I look a little shocked. “Yeah, I didn’t think he did. So, I needed to pee and all the toilets were full, so I went up to one of the bedrooms on the second floor, I also needed a moment after the surprise wedding I just had. So, after I finished my business I heard voices in the room. I stuck my head out and what do I see? Eddie, getting a blow job from one of my friends.” I shake my head. “Yep, never going to guess who?”

  “Who?” I ask, Penny chuckles.

  “Karma, I think you told me one day karma would get me and we
ll it did, in the form of Arabella on her knees sucking off my brand new husband on my wedding day.”

  “I’m sorry, Pen.” She waves her hands at me.

  “Don’t be, I deserved it. I was horrible to Arabella and Isadora, treating my two best friends as my minions, not as my friends. I shouldn’t be shocked that this happened to me at all.”

  I know I shouldn’t feel bad for my sister, not after everything she has done to me, but I do.

  “So, you see, our wedding day wasn’t the happiest.” She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly.

  “Are you worried that you might end up being a single mother?”

  “Yes and no. I mean, I know our parents will help me, but I know that my friends will look at me differently. The stigma is still there. I’m sure Eddie would be relieved if he wasn’t the father.” Eddie is such a douche. “Look, Liv, thank you.” I am genuinely shocked by her thanks. “I know I have been a bitch to you.” I guess she is growing up. “Eddie demanding this paternity test has really made me see things differently. I have made some stupid decisions in my life and now I need to stop doing that because I now have a little person involved.” Wow, who knew getting knocked up would mature my sister. “Do you want to see a picture of it?” she asks quietly.

  “Of course, that’s my niece or nephew in there.” I smile as she hands over her phone. The black and white image of a little bean, the image of her baby, makes me all emotional. “I am so happy for you,” I say through my tears. I look up and she is crying as well.

  “I’m sorry, Liv. I’m sorry for everything. I know we will never ever be close because I was so horrible to you for as long as I can remember. The things I did to you, I would never forgive me for them. But what you have done for me today, giving me this chance in the company, you are truly a better person than me. I honestly don’t know how I can ever repay you for this opportunity.” Now I am bawling. In all of my life my sister has been a bitch, but this side, this new mature side I have never seen before, is what I have always wanted. “I know it’s going to take time to repair what I have done to you, but I would like to try.” I honestly believe her. I jump up out of my seat and make my way over to her, I bend down and give her a tight hug. Penny stiffens but eventually hugs me back.