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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 3

  Vanessa is hot, and by hot I mean smoking. Nearly six feet in heels, her legs travel on for miles. No, I have not fucked her, nor would I. She scares the shit out of me. Her caramel hair is pulled up into a ponytail, sun-kissed skin hidden behind the long sleeves of her dress, her sea green eyes shooting fire at us for our latest fuck up.

  "Queen V, I'm sorry, but how was I supposed to know that there would be cameras in the VIP section of the club? It’s the VIP section; don't we get special treatment partying there?" Christian argues, raking his hand through shaggy, light brown hair which hangs loosely in front of his face.

  "You shouldn't be having your dick sucked in the middle of a club, Christian. Save that shit for a hotel room or at least a damn bathroom."

  He just shrugs. "If you helped a brother out once in a while, I wouldn't have to find groupies to do it. Which means…I wouldn't get myself into trouble, and you wouldn't be yelling at us. See, V, it’s a win-win."

  Vanessa rolls her eyes at him.

  Christian is always joking about trying to get into her pants, which is sexual harassment seeing as we all work together, but she takes it all in her stride. He's her best friend. It’s weird because Christian doesn't have female friends; he has booty calls on speed dial, but for some reason it works. Well, at least I think it does. A couple of years ago Vanessa moved in with him after her douchebag of an ex decided to use her as a punching bag. They’ve been tight ever since. Not sure if anything has happened between them since, Christian has never said a word. He has the biggest mouth out of all of us when it comes to his conquests, so I would guess nothing has happened between them. But sometimes, I think all the fighting they do at work is just intense foreplay before they go home and fuck each other’s brains out.

  "Seriously, Christian, I'm surprised your dick hasn't fallen off from any diseases. It’s a fucking miracle", Vanessa bites back. "Just because you're Dirty Texas, doesn't mean you can keep getting away with this shit."

  She's right. We are grown ass men still acting like horny fucking frat boys. But when a girl wants to suck your dick in the middle of a club, you can't knock back that perfect gift from the gods. Never a good sign when Vanessa starts pacing. We are in so much trouble.

  "Do you guys realize how much work it takes looking after you?"

  We stay silent because I’m sure she doesn't want us to answer that question.

  "Cleaning up the same shit? Repeating it over and over?"

  I notice her eyes are glassy. Shit, is she about to cry? Fuck, I feel like a bastard. Vanessa looks disappointed in us.

  "You're not twenty-year-olds anymore. You can't keep doing this immature shit. People are getting sick of it, namely me.”

  She's right. We've been doing this for so long; we think it’s normal.

  "V, are you okay?" Axel asks. He’s the complete opposite to his twin, Christian.

  Christian is loud, crazy, and goofy, whereas Axel is quiet, intense, and brooding. The typical creative genius. As the lead singer of the band, he’s taken on the role as the unofficial leader of the group, one that he relishes. He has a good head for business and hasn't steered us wrong with our decisions over the years.

  I notice a couple of tears escape and slide down Vanessa's face, she looks embarrassed, mumbling something about men before running out of the room. Fuck! Did we just break Vanessa?



  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  My phone keeps alerting me to incoming messages. Go away, leave me alone, don't you understand my life has imploded.

  Beep. Beep.

  Fuck men. Those fucking cheating bastards and their snarky ass mistresses!

  Beep. Beep.

  Fuck my life.

  Beep. Beep.

  Just fuck it. Throwing my phone against the wall hoping it will stop, I watch as it bounces off the cream wall and hits the floor with a thud. I need to pee and clean my teeth. Sighing, I drag myself out of bed and make my way to the bathroom, flicking on the light.

  Looking into the mirror, I grimace. My face is pale; my green eyes are bloodshot. I look like shit. I’m not even sure how I made it back to bed after my breakdown beside the toilet last night.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  “Leave me alone,” I grumble out loud.

  More messages, my stomach rolls thinking about them. Leave me alone!

  After taking care of myself in the bathroom, I pick the stupid phone off the ground. Beau's name lights up the screen. I drop to the bed flicking through the million messages from concerned people. Some from my parents. I’m glad they left early and didn't have to see their daughter publicly humiliated. They must be so worried. I don't know what to say to them but decide I'll worry about that later.

  There's a couple from Stacey, my assistant, telling me she has cancelled my media appointments. Once a week, I work with a morning show as their on-air fashion commentator and stylist. I don't think I could face walking onto that stage and smiling to the millions that watch the show. Pimping out some outfit or new trend and knowing that the audience has probably read the gossips magazines about my marriage's demise. I shudder thinking about it. Stacey has also issued a press release advising no comment on last night's events. I think I need to give her a bonus for coordinating this mess for me.

  I have tons of messages from Vanessa, one of my oldest friends. Actually more like my sister. Our parents are best friends and business partners and we have known each other since birth. She's currently traveling through America as PR manager for Dirty Texas. Dirty fucking Texas; the biggest and hottest band on the planet. You can't turn on the radio without one of their songs playing in the Top 40. I miss her so much. Wish she was here with me now. We could curse out Beau, get drunk, cry, and eat tubs full of choc-chip cookie dough ice cream to make me feel better.

  Another message from Beau lights up my screen, asking if I am okay?

  What do you think, dickhead? That I am sitting here celebrating the fact that my husband is a cheating scumbag?

  I take a deep breath and shoot him a text, even though he hardly deserves that.

  Sienna: I’m at Derricks. I'm staying here for a while.

  A message comes back immediately.

  Beau: Sisi, I'm sorry, please come home. I can go somewhere else.

  Anger fills me.

  Sienna: I’m sure Diana would be delighted. You can now live the life you were supposed to have. Isn't that what she said?

  Was I the poor substitute for Diana all these years? His family made it clear she was always who he was supposed to marry. Her photo haunted me every time I visited my in-laws home. Pictures from Beau's high school formal taking pride and place beside his parents wedding photo. There was none of Beau and I together anywhere. It's not my fault they broke up after high school and she moved to Europe. Wasn't my fault I met Beau at University, or even the fact that he asked me out – was not my fault. Again wasn't my fault six months later when he whisked me away to Las Vegas and married me when I turned twenty-one.

  The little bubbles hovered for a while; I guess he's choosing the right words.

  Beau: I never meant for this to happen. I was faithful to you all those years, she's the first. I don't know how this happened.

  It's simple Beau. Your dick went into her vagina.

  Sienna: Do you love her? Waiting for his answer is killing me.

  Beau: It's complicated.

  What the fuck kind of answer is that? Nothing complicated about it at all. He loves her; that’s why he cheated on me.

  Sienna: Why her? You could have been with anyone else. I may even have forgiven you for it, but her. Why did you choose her? Why?

  Beau: It just happened.

  Right there my heart broke. I would have felt better if he had said she was the love of his life. We had a healthy sex life, I was a good wife. We were both busy with our careers, but we never neglected each other. I don't understand!

  Sienna: Was I a horrible wife? Did I do something wrong? I don't get i
t, I thought we were happy?

  My hands shake as I typed the message out.

  Beau: No, Sisi, you were perfect, you are perfect. I'm the one that messed up and I am the one that has to deal with the consequences.

  Damn right he does.

  Sienna: I can't forgive you for this. I want a divorce.

  Beau: I know. I will sort it, okay. I won't fight you on anything, I promise. I still love you, Sienna, I always will. Just know I had no choice.

  What the hell! Beau, you had a choice; you should have kept your cock in your pants! You should have said no to her advances. You had many fucking choices!

  Sienna: We all have choices, Beau. You chose the wrong one.

  Beau: I know; I know I did.

  The smell of bacon filters through my door. I toss my phone on the bed; I've had enough of Beau for the day.

  "Morning, Princess," Derrick calls out from behind the island bench, dishing out bacon and eggs onto a white plate. "How are you?" His face softens as he looks at me.

  "I spoke to Beau."

  Derrick hands me breakfast as we sit down at the table together. "And?" he questions, raising an eyebrow at me.

  "I hate him, D. I hate him so fucking much. He doesn't sound like the man I married." Tears threaten to spill again. I push myself to hold them back. I am sick of crying over this man who doesn't seem to give a fuck about me.

  "I'm sorry, Si. You don't deserve this. Maybe it's an early mid-life crisis? He should have bought a fucking Ferrari, not fuck that ice princess ex-girlfriend," he responds, giving my hand a squeeze.

  The mention of Diana makes my stomach recoil again.

  "I am here for you, babe; you know that."

  I nod, because I know Derrick will be there for me through thick and thin.



  “Okay y’all. Rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes in and talks to Vanessa?" Finn says as soon as the door closes behind her.

  Yep, we are chicken shit. Most men can't handle crying women and we're no different. We all huddle around in a circle, our hands ready. Fuck, I’m out first, hate that game I always suck at it. "Christian, you should go, she's your best friend," I encourage, hoping he'll save me.

  "No way. I might be the reason she's upset. I don't want her to yell at me or give me sad eyes. Her sad eyes kill me," he groans.

  "Good luck, buddy," Oscar says, slapping me so hard on the back that it propels me forward toward the door. Damn fucking Viking, doesn't know his own strength sometimes.

  I walk out of the hotel room flipping them all the bird as I go. Nodding to our security guys perched outside our suites, I ask, "Which way did Nessa go?"

  They point toward her room.

  Begrudgingly, I walk toward her room knocking twice on the door, but there's no answer. Turning back toward security, I raise my eyebrows, silently asking if they're sure she's inside the room. They nod again. Sighing, I run my hand over my head before knocking on the door again.

  "Ness, it's me, Evan. Can you let me in?"

  I hear movement behind the door then it slowly opens. Vanessa's kicked off her heels and her eyes are puffy. Leaving the door open for me, she walks away. "Are you okay, Ness?" I have never seen her so down and out.

  Walking over to the couch, dropping hard into the cushions, she looks exhausted.

  "Why do men cheat?" she asks, turning her head toward me, her eyes blazing with anger and sadness.

  The sudden and unexpected question catches me off guard. I rock back on my heels and shove my hands in my pockets as I try and frame an acceptable answer for her.

  "Many reasons, I suppose. Why? Did someone cheat on you?" I stay out of Vanessa's love life. Christian is the one that sticks his nose into her business. I didn't realize she was seeing anyone. Vanessa is like a sister to us. After all these years working with us, if some punk has fucked her over, he’ll have to deal with Dirty Texas.

  Vanessa shakes her head. "No, it's Sienna. My best friend from back home. She caught her husband with his ex during her birthday party."

  What a prick. Cheating on your wife during her birthday party, that's low.

  "I never liked Beau. How can you tell your best friend you hate her husband? She loved him, Evan. She’s dealt with his stuck up family with a smile on her face for the past ten years. They were always telling him he could do better, that he should have married his ex. Guess they were right, because he was cheating on her with that bitch. How could he do that to her?"

  Her face is red with anger. At least she's not crying anymore. Vanessa pulls out her phone thrusting it at me. "How the fuck can you cheat on her? Look at her, Evan, she is stunning."

  Pulling the phone back so I can see what she looks like, my eyes widen.

  This woman is gorgeous; a knockout. Blonde hair, curled, pulled back in a messy bun, tendrils falling around her long neck. The deep V of the black dress she wears dips low, showing off her amazing tits; they would fit perfectly in my hands.

  Shit. Now is not the time to think dirty thoughts about this woman. She looks shorter than Ness, but her curves fill out her black sequin dress perfectly. I wouldn't mind exploring those curves with my lips. Fuck, I shake my head. I need to stop thinking these things. She's wearing a happy smile on her face, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. My eyes trail further over her; the dress she is wearing is short, showing off a pair of toned, tanned legs. What I wouldn't give to have them wrapped around my waist. I quickly hand back the phone to Vanessa before I get into any more trouble with my thoughts.

  Her eyes are on me, ignoring the phone. "Who would cheat on that, Evan?" she asks, stabbing at the screen with her finger.

  I had to agree. But still, you never know what happens behind closed doors. Being hot doesn't mean you're immune to cheating. It sucks. I found this out the hard way and women can cheat just as much as men. Before my thoughts take me to a dark place, I nod my head toward the phone.

  "Is that her husband?" The dark headed guy has his hands all over her. It spikes irrational jealousy inside of me that he gets to touch her.

  "No, that's Derrick, her other best friend. He's gay. Beau hates him too. The man looks like a supermodel, I get why he would be jealous, but Derrick prefers dick and lots of it," she chuckles softly. "Sorry, I’m babbling."

  "No, you're not, it's fine," I tell her, giving her a grin as I glance at the phone again, taking in Sienna's smiling face. "And yeah, she's hot."

  Vanessa’s smile widens. "She'll kill me for mentioning it, but she has such a crush on you."

  Well now, I like the sound of that.

  Vanessa flicks through her phone again. "This is the bastard."

  It's a picture of a blond guy with his arm around Sienna. He looks like an Abercrombie and Fitch model, all preppy and shit. Dressed in cream pants, boat shoes, and a white button-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up. He must spend his days sailing on a yacht; you can see the old money oozing from his pores, just like the rich oil boys from back home in Texas.

  "He’s a lawyer, all slimy and shit," Vanessa says, crinkling her nose. This made me laugh.

  I continue flicking through more of the photos on her phone. The rest are of Sienna and Derrick; dancing, laughing, drinking, and by the look of it, having a great time. She looks so happy. It’s sad to know how her night ended. My hands fist in anger for her.

  "She's divorcing him, thank God."

  My ears stand to attention over this little bit of information. It doesn't matter if she’s single though, there are a number of things standing between us. One; there is an ocean between us, two; she’s Vanessa’s best friend, and three; she’s going to have baggage. Just stick with the groupies, Evan.

  "She's lucky to have you on her side, Vanessa."

  Giving me a weak smile, she asks, "Do you think the boys would mind if I go to Australia for Christmas? I want to surprise her. I hate that I am not there for her.”

  "If they have a problem with it, I’ll punch them in the balls."

  Laughing, she knocks my shoulder with hers. "Thank you, Evan, for listening. I appreciate it even though I know you lost at rock, paper, scissors." I laugh again. Ness knows us so well.

  "I'll miss your birthday."

  That sucks, but I'm used to people missing my birthday. Being born on New Year’s Eve makes it that way, but this was more important than my birthday. The boys and I were all heading to Mexico for my thirtieth.

  "It's all good. Probably best you not witness it."

  Vanessa lets out a loud groan. "Fuck, that's true. I can come home earlier, if you want?"

  Laughing at her, I say, "No, no, I was joking. I promise we will behave."

  She raises her eyebrow at me looking unconvinced.

  "Okay, how about I say we'll keep it private and not give the paparazzi anything to photograph," I promise, giving her my best dimpled smile.

  "Fine, I can live with that." She smiled in return.

  "How is she?" Christian asks as I arrive back into our suite.

  "You're safe, Chris. It was about Sienna. Her lame ass husband got busted cheating on her."

  The boys groan their disapproval.

  "Seriously, that woman is hot. What a dick for cheating on her," Christian adds.

  "Yeah, she's fucking prime. Dude needs his head read for sure. Vanessa wants to go home at Christmas to be with her."

  "I wouldn't expect anything less from V," Christian adds.

  The boys nod in agreement.

  "Maybe we should get Isla to organize a massage for Ness, since she’s so stressed out," Axel adds.

  Sounds like a good idea.

  "I've never seen Ness cry before," Finn adds.

  We all agree.

  "Let's try not to fuck up again like last night. Ness doesn't need any extra shit from us," Axel suggests.

  The boys all agree. No more blowjobs from groupies in public. Save that shit for private.

  Later that night, instead of going out, we all decide on a quiet night in, so I’m alone in my room. Grabbing my laptop off the bedside table, I open it and start searching for porn. I find one where the girl has an Australian accent and all I can imagine is Sienna.