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Suddenly Tied (The Dirty Texas Series Book 3.5) Read online

Page 3

“Olivia, I have never given you enough credit for the way you have helped this family out of a bad situation. We would not have the luxuries we have today if it wasn’t for you.” He glares at Penny who refuses to look at anyone. “So I have been thinking, maybe it’s time that Penny starts taking an interest in the family business, especially if she wants to reap the rewards from it.”

  “What?” she exclaims. “Daddy, I’m pregnant. You can’t expect me to work while I am pregnant.”

  “Darling, she’s pregnant,” my mother adds from across the table.

  “I’m sure there are plenty of things for Penny to do that won’t be too strenuous. What else is she going to do for the next seven months? I’m pretty sure she isn’t going to be sunning herself on some luxury yacht, is she?” my father adds.

  “But I’m a wife now.”

  “Yes, one who will have staff so you won’t have to lift a finger.”

  Eddie is suspiciously quiet through all of this.

  “But what about Eddie? I have to stay with him and he lives in London. You can’t expect us to live apart?” Penny whines.

  “Actually, I have spoken to Edmund’s parents about this.” Now it’s Eddie’s turn to look worried. “He is going to take over his family’s estate here in Scotland, but his father doesn’t think he is ready for that responsibility right now.” Eddie sits up taller about to argue back with my father but he refrains. “He would like Edmund to be shown how we were able to turn our business around, and seeing as we are now joined through marriage, our estates are joined as well.”

  “I can assure you, I don’t need any training in how to run my family’s estate,” Eddie argues.

  “I would have to disagree, as does your father.” My father turns to me. “Olivia, I know you don’t owe Edmund any favors, but I would appreciate it if you could look over their estate books and see where they can improve.”

  Wow, I am in shock.

  “Of course I will have a look.”

  “Good, this makes me happy. I would like Edmund and Penelope to move into your cottage as that is the main hub of the estate.”

  “Oh, I was planning on offering the cottage to the manager as part of their employment package.”

  My father clears his throat. “Of course, of course, you are correct.”

  “We have a cottage in the village, it’s only fifteen minutes from the castle’s estate.”

  “You expect me to live in a village? What about one of our homes in France? What about something in London? I will not be banished to some tiny village in the middle of nowhere while she skips off to London and LA.” Penny throws a tantrum.

  “Enough, Penelope. You are about to become a mother; you are a wife. You need to grow up. If you are so unhappy about the village life, then I am more than happy to let you find something on your own and pay for it out of your own pocket.”

  “But I don’t have a job.” She just doesn’t know when to quit.

  “Exactly, so complaining about receiving a luxurious free home sounds quite spoilt.”

  “Richard,” my mother scolds him.

  “I’ve had enough, Agnes. You baby her too much. She is now married with a child on the way and she has no idea how to function in life. She gets away with too much and the way she has treated Olivia makes me ashamed. I didn’t raise my daughter to be like that.”

  Axel and I continue eating our dinner, shocked by the family drama going on around us.

  “I am sorry, Axel, for discussing such sensitive family matters in front of you like this. But I am sure you will be family very soon, so it doesn’t matter.

  Axel gives my father a nod.

  “Oh my God, I am so sorry about all that,” I whisper yell as I close the door to our bedroom.

  “Babe, it’s okay. It was kind of awesome that your father was sticking up for you.” Axel starts undressing, laying his suit jacket on the chair and slowly undoes his cuff links, his tie falls onto a side table. I watch in fascination as his fingers slowly unbutton his white button-down shirt, as he places it on the chair. “If you keep looking at me like that, darlin’, I am going to have to do something about it.”

  I shake my head out of my lustful Axel thoughts. “Sorry, it’s your fault you are so good looking.”

  This makes him smile as he walks toward me. He turns me around and unzips my cocktail dress, his lips touching my neck ever so softly. His fingers pulling down the straps of my dress, over my shoulders, giving me goosebumps where his fingers touch. My dress pools on the floor. “I love you,” he whispers as his lips trail down my spine. I close my eyes and enjoy the sensation of them against me. His rough fingers trace over my body, the prickles of his stubble tickle as he kisses his way back up my spine and along my neck. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, Olivia. And I am in awe of just how lucky I am to have found you.” My breath hitches at his declaration. I spin around and I can see the love burning behind those whiskey eyes.

  “I am the lucky one, if I hadn’t of met you…” I wrap my arms around his neck. “I could have been married to that moron downstairs.” Axel stiffens. “I would have been stuck in a dull, loveless marriage, putting on a fake front so people didn’t know exactly how unhappy I really was, just like my sister is doing.” I press my lips against his, he opens for me and I kiss him ever so lightly. “So for as long as I live, I am going to show you exactly how grateful I am for finding you.” Moving away from him, I fall to my knees. Axel’s eyes widen in surprise. My hands start to make quick work of his belt, then his zip. Axel is motionless, watching my every move. I push his dress pants down and I can already see a distinct bulge in his boxer briefs. I rub my hand over it, feeling it thicken with each touch. “So grateful,” I whisper, pulling down the elastic of his Calvin’s, watching his magnificent cock spring free. “So very grateful.” My lips wrap themselves over the tip of his dick, a low groan falling from Axel’s throat.

  Axel and my father disappeared together after breakfast, which was odd, but it was nice that they are getting along. Mother and Penny have gone into town to do some baby shopping, something that I was not invited to. So, I decide to catch up on some work until Axel returns. I set myself up in my father’s library and open up hundreds of unread emails. Bugger, I have really let the business slide. I quickly scan through the emails and flag the urgent ones and slowly make my way through them.

  There is a light knock against the wooden door. “Come in,” I call out, lost in my work. My eyes widen when I notice Eddie standing before me, he gives me a small smile.

  “Can we talk?” The look he gives me is genuine. I nod and he enters the room, sitting down opposite me at the table. “Firstly, I am here to apologize to you, Olivia.” Eddie being humble is a first. “The way I treated you was unacceptable and I am truly sorry.” I’m not sure what his motives are for being so nice to me.

  “It all worked out in the end,” I say, giving him a smile.

  “For you, yes. I am glad that you are happy, Olivia. Honestly, I am. Axel adores you, what you two have is real.” I blush at his compliment.

  “Unlike you and Penny?” I question.

  Eddie lets out a heavy sigh. “Your sister is a lot to take on full time.”

  “I guess the novelty of hooking up behind my back is wearing off.” Was that harsh? Probably, but I think he deserved it.

  “Yes, I suppose it has. But Penny and I were never more than a fling, a way to pass the time.” I cringe a little. “She was sleeping with other people when we were together.” Okay, so what does that have to do with me? “I’ve asked for a paternity test.” Ah, I see now.

  “That’s fair enough, I wouldn’t trust my sister either, but you are married now. Do you seriously think our parents are going to let you divorce if by some mistake that child is not yours?”

  Another heavy sigh, “If the baby is truly mine, then I will give this marriage my all.”

  “So no hooking up with other people?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Penny and I ha
ve agreed that we would have an open marriage.” This shocks me.


  He chuckles, “Your sister is a great actress, she isn’t in love with me. I was a challenge to her because I was yours.”

  “You were never mine, Eddie,” I quickly add.

  He waves his hand in the air. “You know what I mean.” Yes, I do. I have lived with it all my life. “Anyway, catching your wife in a compromising position with your best man on your wedding day makes you question things a little more.” Okay, now I am really shocked.

  “No way.”

  He laughs, “Oh yes it did. Not that I care. I should have cared though, right? You should care if your wife is screwing the best man during the reception, but I didn’t. I know this sounds bad, but I hope that the baby isn’t mine so I can get out of this marriage.” Eddie’s shoulders relax as if he has been waiting to get that weight off his chest for a while now. What the hell am I meant to do with this information.

  “Sounds like you’re in a pickle.”

  He laughs again, “That I am. I guess it’s karma teaching me a lesson.”

  “What happens if the baby is yours though?”

  “I will love that baby with all my heart, and give it the best life it could ever have.” This makes me smile. Sounds like Eddie might make a good dad.

  “Guess the child will need one parent to look after it.”

  This makes him roar with laughter. “So true.” He composes himself. “Are you really going to move to LA?”

  “Of course, I love Axel.”

  Eddie nods and is quiet for a moment. “What does love feel like?” This question shocks me.

  “Love makes you feel secure. No matter what happens, that person has your back. It makes you a better version of yourself, it gives you the confidence to do things you didn’t think you could do on your own. They are your best friend. Being in love just makes my world better because he is in it.”

  Eddie looks at me in shock. “I hope one day I get to experience it.”

  My heart aches for Eddie and the fact that he might not get to experience being happy with a life partner. Maybe over time he and Penny could be happy. Who am I kidding? No one would be happy living with Penny.

  I hear a throat clear and look up to see Axel standing in the doorway, his heavily tattooed arms crossed and a scowl covering his face. “You’re back.” I smile at him, but his whisky eyes are staring daggers at Eddie.

  “Axel,” Eddie greets him coolly.

  “Eddie,” Axel growls back before he strides across the room to where I am sitting. He stops before me, bends down, grabs my face between his large palms and kisses me, claiming me in front of Eddie. He pulls away and I can see the triumphant smile on his face as he turns to Eddie and takes a seat beside me. “So, what did I miss?” he asks.

  “Olivia was so kind to listen to me apologize for the way I treated her.”

  Axel raises his eyebrow at Eddie’s honesty. “It was the least I could do.” Axel nods. “I told her I was happy that I did mess up so that she could find someone that deserved her.” This made Axel sit up straighter in his seat. “I never deserved her, I would never have made her happy. She is too special to have wasted her life on a person like me.” Wow, Eddie was going all out on self-deprecation. “I see the way you two look at each other and I envy it.” I think Axel is going to fall over in shock.

  “I am one lucky son of a gun.” Axel pulls my hand into his and kisses my knuckles.

  “That you are,” Eddie says sadly. “Anyway, I will leave you both to it.” Eddie holds his hand out to Axel who shakes it and then makes his way to the door. “Oh, and Liv…” He stops and looks at me. “The test is happening today, that’s why you were not invited to go shopping. I should have the results by the end of the week. I think we should hold off on teaching me the business until then.” And with that he is gone.

  “What test?” Axel questions me.

  “Paternity test, he’s asked Penny for a test.” Axel whistles.

  “He doesn’t think he’s the father?” I shake my head. “Holy shit.”

  “I know, he also told me Penny was shagging his best man during the reception.” Axel slaps his hand on the desk, making me jump.

  “No way.” He shakes his head. “Seriously, this is like an episode of Bold and the Beautiful.” This makes me giggle, because it kind of is.

  “How was your morning with my father?”

  Axel gives me a smile. “We went clay pigeon shooting. A boy from Texas getting to shoot things is right up my alley. I impressed him so that’s a start. He wants to take me trout fishing next. Somewhere up in Scotland.”

  This makes me smile. “Yeah, we have a house up in the highlands.”

  Axel rolls his eyes. “Of course you do.” I slap his arm. “Sorry, I forgot my girlfriend is a fucking princess.” I slap him again, then I start tickling him, knowing how much he hates it. “Oh, you want to start that now, do you?” His large hands grab my wrists so I can’t touch him. The look he gives me is pure desire. “What I wouldn’t give to swipe everything off this desk right now, bend you over and fuck your sweet, hot pussy until we both come.” My chest rises and falls quickly, it’s been days since he has been inside of me and I think I am having the female equivalent of blue balls.

  “Maybe you should,” I whisper, and watch as Axel’s nostrils flare and his eyes widen.

  “Don’t tease me, darlin’. I am holding on by the tiniest of threads.”

  “My mother and Penny are out. I’m assuming my father has gone for a rest?” Axel nods. “Eddie has disappeared to lick his wounds.” I watch as Axel drops my wrists and stands up, he walks calming over to the door and locks it. The click of the lock echoes through the quiet room. My heart is pounding with excitement, the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I realize I am going to do something naughty in my parents’ home.

  “Hands on the desk and legs apart, Olivia.” Axel says my name slowly, every syllable popping against his lips. I stand up quickly and do as I am told. I praise myself for putting on a dress this morning. Axel pulls the chair away from me and stands behind me, I can feel his heat against me. “You think you can be quiet?” I nod quickly. It’s been too long since he has been inside of me. His hands run up my spine. “Thank God you are wearing this dress.” A hand lifts up the hem of it, while the other wraps around my neck. “And you are wearing a tiny scrap of fabric for panties as well.” Another last minute decision from my normal cotton underwear to a sexy, midnight blue, lacy thong that I packed in my bag in a frenzy when traveling to America. Axel’s large fingers move from my hip to the front of my thong, one finger moving the tiny bit of fabric to the side so the other one can sink inside of me. A small hiss leaves my mouth as he drags his fingers through my slickness. “You are already wet for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?” I moan quietly against my lips as his skillful fingers play me. “I don't think we have much time, sweetheart, which kills me, so as much as I would love to prolong this foreplay, we might have to quicken things up.” His fingers disappear from me, my body aching at the loss, but moments later I hear the sound of his zipper coming down, his hands are back on my hips as he steadies me. He moves my thong to the side; I can feel his blunt tip pressing against me. Inch by glorious inch he is inside of me. We both hiss with pleasure. “God, I’ve missed your pussy,” Axel whispers against me.

  “I’ve missed you too.” He slowly starts moving inside of me. How I have missed the feeling of him stretching me. I had no idea that you could ache for a man’s penis until now. Never again am I going to deny myself a bit of Axel. We are better when we are together in all ways.

  “God, Liv, I’ve missed you so much,” Axel groans as he continues to move inside of me.

  “I’m sorry for making you wait. Never again.” He hits me in that sweet spot that makes my body quiver. A hand moves forward and slips down the front of my underwear. Thick, calloused fingers start circling my bud. Over and over again as he takes me. I can feel
myself begin to quake. I clench down against Axel which makes him moan. His thumb flicks over my bud at just the right angle and sends me hurtling over the edge. I bite down on my lip, trying to stifle my scream. The sound of smacking flesh filters through the room and moments later I feel Axel’s teeth sink into my shoulder as he tries and stifles his release. A giggle escapes me.

  “What’s so funny, sweetheart?” I turn my face toward Axel as he is still inside of me.

  “I can’t believe I just did that, in my father’s office.”

  “You look so beautiful letting go for me.” Axel leans over and kisses my lips ever so lightly. “Thank you, I needed that. It’s been hard not being able to love you like that for the past couple of days.” Pushing my messy hair away from my face, he looks at me adoringly.

  “I’m sorry…”

  Axel shakes his head. “You have nothing to be sorry about, this is your parents’ home, and I love that you want to be respectful.” I give him a smile. I know I can be quirky sometimes, but I love that he understands that. “But we should probably clean ourselves up first. The room smells like sex.” He slowly pulls himself from me and pushes my underwear back in place. “Come on my little rule breaker, maybe we can have a quickie in the shower as well, seeing as I have already dirtied you up enough.” I like the sound of that.

  “Oh my God, I have missed you so much.” Ivy wraps her arms around me, greeting me enthusiastically as I arrive at her front door. Ivy’s home is a gorgeous Mews house situated over three levels. Of course it is masterfully decorated in her girly luxe style. Her interior design office is just around the corner, on the fashionable Chelsea high street.

  “I’ve missed you too.” I hug her tightly.

  “Come, come, I have canapés and champagne, we have so much to catch up on.” As she guides me toward her living room, the doorbell rings. “Coming,” Ivy calls as she heads toward it. Moments later Isla is standing before me.

  “Isla!” We rush over toward each other, hugging tightly.

  “I am so happy to see you. I am so sorry I missed you leaving.”