The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 12
“You made it, thank God you are here. I’m sick of dealing with these bitches at our table.”
My heart sinks. This is it, the moment of truth. Everything that I have been saying to Evan and myself about being just friends, I have to prove now. Taking a deep breath, we follow Isla toward the booth, my eyes falling to where the boys sit. It's full to overflowing with women in next to nothing, hands all over them. The guys are slamming back the drinks, loving the attention the ladies are throwing at them.
My eyes find Evan. He has his arm around the back of some brunette who is currently sucking his neck like a damn vampire while he talks to the other boys. My stomach sinks watching him in the arms of another woman; it stings, not going to lie, but it’s for the best. We both agreed so I can’t be mad at him.
“So many cute boys here,” Derrick says, pulling me from my thoughts.
Letting my eyes drift over the club, he is right, there are so many hot guys in the room. Maybe I need to distract myself with one of them instead. I'm single now, this is what single girls do, isn’t it? I shouldn’t be tied down; I should be enjoying my new found freedom. If Evan seems to have moved on easily then so can I. Heading toward the boys’ booth, I spot Blake.
“Sienna,” Blake calls out from the table.
“You look hot,” he says, his aqua eyes looking appreciatively over my body.
Yep, the red dress was a good idea tonight. My eyes flick to where Evan is sitting with his brunette, his eyes most definitely stuck on my tits. This dress lifts up my girls nicely. His lady friend doesn’t look happy that I have grabbed his attention. Whatever, sweetheart. Your time won’t be long until he moves onto the next one.
“I need a fucking drink,” Vanessa moans, grabbing my arm. She has been acting funny lately but I think that might be stress with the start of the tour. “We’re just going to grab a drink. You boys behave, have a good night,” Vanessa calls out as we head toward the bar area.
“Four tequila shots,” Derrick tells the bartender.
“Well you most definitely made an impression in that dress.” Isla smiles.
“Those tits will always make an impression,” Derrick laughs, his eyes drifting down to my chest.
Four glasses of tequila are placed on the bar in front of us.
“Welcome to the madness,” Vanessa says as we all knock back our shots.
Feeling the burn of the tequila down my throat warms me up from the inside out.
“Fuck men,” Vanessa calls out.
I couldn’t agree more.
Vanessa asks the bartender for another four shots.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
Banging her palm against her forehead is not a good sign that everything is okay. “I found Nick in bed with his co-star, that’s why he was late for the party, why do I always pick the wrong guys?”
My eyes widen, oh shit.
“Fuck, V, you okay?” Derrick asks.
“I'm okay, but I’m not going to lie, it stung seeing that little bitch riding his cock. In all honesty, the boy was crap in bed. I could totally tell she was faking it; she isn’t that good an actress.”
We burst out laughing.
“But I did something stupid though,” she whispers to all of us. We huddled together waiting for more.
“Okay, before you spill your guts, let’s grab a seat because I have a feeling we are going to need it,” Derrick suggests.
We move into a booth not far from the band, close enough that we can keep an eye on them. The bucket in the middle of the table is filled with champagne bottles as soon as we sit down. Quickly, we pour ourselves a drink and raise our glasses in cheers.
“Okay now tell us, confess all your sins,” Derrick says, with a big grin on his face. He is such a gossip queen.
Vanessa looks up at us all, seriousness across her face. “Okay, please make sure that what I am about to tell you doesn’t leave here. Okay?”
We all nod in agreement. What the hell is she going to tell us?
“When I came back to the party, I ran into Christian, I may have burst into tears. I don’t know why but there was a part of me that was upset over Nick’s betrayal, any woman would be, even if the guy is just a fuck buddy. Christian was pissed and wanted to go over to his house and punch him out for being a prick. I told him it was okay, that I didn’t care and then I confessed he was lousy in bed.”
Taking a sip of my champagne, I can see that we were all on the edge of our seats with what she is telling us.
“I joked that I hadn’t had good sex in a long time and that I would just have to rely on my vibrator. At least I knew it would satisfy me.”
We all burst out laughing because it’s true.
“I also mentioned that I might start using gigolos in the future, at least I knew they could fuck.”
“Amen, sista,” Derrick adds, making us giggle.
“Then Christian kissed me. Like, thoroughly kissed me.”
We all go quiet.
“No fucking way,” Isla squeals.
“Fuck, he knows how to kiss. I forgot how good he was,” she confesses. Her eyes now looking over to where Christian is currently sitting, making out with two blondes. I know exactly how she feels.
“What do you mean, forgot?” Isla asks.
“Shit,” Vanessa swears. “I never told you all how I met Christian.”
Isla looks confused. “I thought you met him when they signed with Montgomery Records.”
Vanessa shakes her head. “No, that is when I realized who he was. I had just spent the weekend in bed with him.”
We all gasp at Vanessa's confession but we let her continue.
“I had just moved over from London and was invited to a Hollywood party. This fat, old man tried to attack me, after creeping on me all night. He waited until I was on my way back from the bathroom. Christian saved me from him. One thing led to another, and we spent the weekend together. We both gave fake names and I kicked him out of my bed early Monday morning as I had to start my first day at Montgomery Records. Who knew Monty was going to call me into his office and introduce me to my first clients, Dirty Texas.”
We are all silent.
“Let’s just say we were both shocked to see each other again.”
“Oh my God, it’s like a Lifetime movie,” Derrick jokes.
“I told him we could only be friends because I worked with him. Eventually, he agreed and that friendship turned into what we are today.”
“So you fucked him again, didn’t you?” Derrick says, matter-of-factly.
Vanessa nods.
We all scream before hushing our tones when the boys’ table looks over at us. “Damn him and his fucking magical cock.”
We all burst out laughing again. I had my own magical cock to worry about too.
“Well if it makes you feel any better, I slept with Finn that night as well.”
All our heads turn and look at Isla.
“And he has ruined me for all men, well actually that’s a lie, he ruined me for all men years ago when he took my virginity.”
Holy fucking shit, this is crazy.
“Fuck, does Oscar know?” Vanessa asks.
Isla makes a strangled sound. “No way. He would kill Finn if he found out, but seriously I am over my stupid crush on him. He will never choose me over my brother,” she says, as she bangs her head on the table.
It was kind of dramatic but these boys make sane women crazy.
“Okay, well if we are all confessing our sins here, then I slept with Chance, from Sons of Brooklyn.”
Yep, I choke on my drink at Derrick’s confession.
“But isn’t Chance straight?” Vanessa asks as all our eyes turn to the boys’ table where Chance had some redhead in his lap.
Derrick rolls his eyes. “Let’s just say that he knows what he is doing and does it well,” the cocky bastard says with a huge smile on his face.
“Come on, D, drop the deets. You know you want to,” I encourage, elbowing him in the s
“Ouch, bitch. Fine, but he is still firmly in the closet, okay?”
We all nod in agreement to keep his secret.
“You know that model Ricardo I was with all night?”
“Yeah, D, the hot Brazilian guy that you didn’t seem to want to come up for air from.”
Derrick smiles and gets lost for a moment obviously remembering Ricardo before he continues. “Well things heated up and I took him back to my room, which was beside the pool. In our haste I hadn’t shut the glass door properly. We were both naked on the bed and Ricardo was giving me a fantastic blowjob when I look up, and there standing in the doorway is Chance, his eyes wide taking in the scene in front of him.”
“Lord Jesus, it’s getting hot in here.” I start to fan myself.
“So, I say to him; ‘Are you going to stand there all night or are you going to join in?’, and he most certainly joined in.”
The whole table was quiet.
“Shit, D, that is fucking sexy,” Vanessa squeals as we all burst out laughing.
“So you got anything to confess, Sisi?” Derrick says, looking at me like he totally knows something is up between Evan and me.
My heart is racing, but I had to tell them, especially after everyone else’s confessions. So I blurt out. “I kissed Blake and had sex with Evan.”
The whole table erupts into cheers after they recover from their shock.
“Seriously?” Vanessa asks, still looking shocked.
I nod my confirmation. I can feel my cheeks glowing red.
“Did you fuck Evan on the plane?” Derrick asks.
I nod my head in confirmation.
He gives me a high five.
“Um, we have been at it since I arrived in LA. We agreed once we got to London that it would stop.” My eyes look over to where he is currently sitting with the brunette.
My friends’ eyes follow mine.
“I'm not going to lie, seeing him with her sucks, but you know what, that’s okay because I am single.”
Our table bursts into cheers.
“And you know what else? You are single, and you are single, and you are single,” I say, pointing to Derrick, Isla and Vanessa.
“Fuck the rock stars,” Derrick screams. "Do you realize we have a European buffet of boys waiting for us,” Derrick adds, making us all giggle.
“Are you all in to sample this delicious buffet, ladies?” Derrick asks, putting his palm in the center of the table. One by one we all put our hands on top of his. We all needed to forget that booth full of rock stars and this was the perfect way to do it.
Fuck! What the hell is going on with me? I have to sit here and watch Sienna dance with other men all night. Their hands rubbing all over her body while they dance, and it is driving me crazy – especially seeing her in that red dress. The way it shows off her curves, the same ones that I have traced with my fingers and tongue – less than twenty-four hours ago. Her tits jiggle as she walks, the same way they jiggle when I am pounding her. Fuck!
Sienna is making me do stupid things. I’m not proud of my actions tonight, it’s a step up from stalking but each time I excused myself from the booth to go to the bathroom, I’m checking her out. I may have had words with the men lurking around Sienna and the other girls. I explain that she is my sister and if they touch her, I will break every bone in their bodies. In fact, if they touch any one of our ladies they will have broken bones.
No, I'm not proud of it, but fuck, I felt so much better when slowly each of these men stopped dancing with them. They can look, but not touch. I guess they are okay with that. I’m sure they enjoyed watching when the girls decided to start dancing with each other, their hips moving in time, their hands touching each other. Yep, those men watching the dance floor were happy just to look at the show. I had no right to do that to her, currently I had some brunette on my arm, her hands all over my body, her tongue licking my neck, my lips on hers. She's helping me get rid of this unhealthy obsession I have with Sienna.
But I hate every second I am in this woman’s company, especially when I look over to where the girls are laughing and joking and see Sienna smile. I want to be the one to make her smile.
“She can join us if you want?” the brunette whispers in my ear.
I look at her in confusion.
“The woman in red, the one you can’t seem to take your eyes off. If you want her to play, she can join us,” she says seductively, licking her lips. My stomach somersaults at the thought. I'm done, I'm out!
“Sorry, sweetheart, tonight’s not going to happen with you or with her.” My eyes move to where Sienna is dancing on the table, her toned legs on display for the world to see. A group of men hovering around like bees to honey.
“Are you serious?” the woman asks, looking at me in shock. She is beautiful, I must admit, and probably not used to rejection. Guess there’s a first time for everything.
“Yeah, but I'm sure it won’t be long until you find a willing male.” I give her a kiss on the cheek to soften the blow. “Guys, I'm out,” I announce to the booth.
Axel’s hazel eyes look at me while I stand in front of them, then they glance toward the fuming brunette sitting in her seat.
“Okay y’all, come on let’s get out of here. We have rehearsals in the morning and it looks like our girls may have had a little too much fun.”
Nodding to my friend, silently thanking him for pulling the plug on tonight's outing, I walk up toward the girls’ table, my arms wrapping around Sienna’s legs, pulling her over my shoulder screaming. Christian and Finn follow suit with Vanessa and Isla; the girls screaming blue murder as we escort them out the back to our waiting cars.
“Evan, what the fuck?” Sienna yells, as her hot little ass hits the leather of the limousine’s seat.
“I am tired and ready to go home.”
Frowning, she huffs a little more before we're joined by the pissed off screams of Vanessa and Isla. Their grievance apparent with Christian and Finn.
“We were just having fun,” Isla whines, fiddling with something in her bag.
“So it’s okay for you boys to have girls all over you, but when we get some attention you haul us all away like fucking cavemen. We are not your women to do this to,” Vanessa fumes.
“Exactly, you boys had perfectly willing women in your laps all night; you didn’t have to grab three unwilling ones,” Sienna seethes while crossing her arms over her chest, pushing up her tits.
Focus Evan.
We all look at each other, confused at the girls’ anger.
“Don’t forget you ladies work for us and when we say we are ready to go home, that means we are ready to go home,” I state. Pulling the boss card felt like a dick move, but it was all I had without exposing the thoughts swirling in my head.
The other two boys agreed. Pulling out my phone, I text Finn and Christian because the silence in the car is deafening.
Evan: So…interesting ride.
Christian: I don’t get why the girls are pissed?
Finn: I didn’t like the way those men were looking at them.
Evan: What the hell got into them tonight?
They both look up from their phones and shrug at me.
Finn: Something going on between you and those girls?
I raise my eyebrow at Finn, like he can talk.
Evan: Same thing that is going on between you and Isla.
Finn’s head pops up. “Nothing,” he shouts, causing everyone’s heads to turn to him like he has some form of Tourette's. Looking at his phone he’s furiously typing again.
Finn: Nothing is going on between Isla and me.
Christian and I look at him, letting him know we’re not convinced.
Finn: Oscar will kill me.
Now we are getting somewhere.
Christian: She’s had a thing for you since we were kids. You can’t tell me nothing has ever happened.
Finn looks at us and nods. The poor g
uy just confessed that he has messed around with his best friend’s baby sister – the one who is totally off limits to all of us, and has been off limits all our lives.
Christian: Secret’s safe bro.
Finn visibly relaxes.
Finn: So u and Nessa???
Christian rolls his eyes before looking over at where she is sitting huddled with Sienna and Isla, having their own conversation.
Christian: The night of our house party, she busted her toy boy with his co-star and I tried to cheer her up.
Evan: Fuck.
Christian nods at both of us.
Christian: She’s my best friend, it shouldn’t have happened.
He and Vanessa are tight, it shouldn’t have happened, they each have so much to lose. I had a feeling they would hook up at some point.
Evan: May have done the same thing with Sienna.
They both look at me shocked and quickly start typing again.
Finn: Shit.
Christian: Fuck! Vanessa will kill you if she finds out, she warned you.
Evan: It’s over now, we said while we were in LA that once the tour starts no more.
The boys both look at me with smug looks on their faces.
Christian: How’s that turning out for ya?
Evan: As good as you two.
Nodding to each other – the three of us are fucked.
The girls jump out of the car first, racing to the door of the house. They stomp up the stairs. Each of us boys give the other a smirk, and start heading toward our rooms, none of us wanting to deal with the wrath of these women any longer. Sienna’s door is shut as I make my way up the stairs. I’m tempted to knock, instead I stand there for a moment until the door flies open and there's Sienna in nothing but a tank top and boy shorts. Fuck!
“Evan,” she says, surprised to see me standing out the front of her door. There is a fire in her eyes. “This will save me a visit to your room. We had an agreement we would be just friends. You don’t see me cock-blocking you; you didn’t see me making a scene in front of those girls. I left you alone; I let you do your thing because that is what we both promised each other. I don’t appreciate you sneaking off when you are with another girl making men around me uncomfortable by whatever intimidation tricks you were using. Keep your fucking hands to yourself and don’t ever try and cock-block me again, okay?”